google_wave_logo_final640We are on Google Wave and we want to connect with some our readers! It’s been fun playing around with Wave and we think it will be a great way to connect our readers and do some really fun things. If you are on Wave add us as a contact we are underwearbriefs (at) gmail (dot) com. We have connected with a few of our readers. If you want to be on Wave let us know, we may be giving away a few invites!

Make sure you go through our staff pages and add our staff members on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Feel free to talk to us. I personally love talking to new people who love underwear! Feel free to ask me anything about undies!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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