Behold the Crown Jewels from Cocksox®! Black mesh is awesome, but black mesh with gleaming gold bind all the way round. That’s f@*king wild! The Crown Jewels are an ultra-premium, strictly limited edition release to celebrate Cocksox® Day 2010.
Spectacular ‘liquid foil’ gold bind fabric snakes around your waist and thighs, framing your ‘crown jewels’ in their mesh briefs, catch the light from the bedside table, or the center-stage spotlight, up to you. Words won’t do. Get to the website, grab your Crown Jewels, then get a safe. These babies need to be under lock and key. AND THEY’RE ON SALE THIS WEEK!
Also, they have the new Mesh Line as well. You can get the CX01 in mesh or the thong. Both are really cool and look great. If you saw the post of the World Cup Inspired pictures the other day, this is that line. I thought it was hard to make Cocksox even more sexier, but they proved me wrong! Check them all out