
2EROS has an amazing style! How Jason designs a lot of what he puts out just boggles my mind! He has a feel on what looks amazing on a guy. The cuts, designs and colors just accent a man’s body so freaking well. The new Beach swimwear fits the bill on that as well.

As you can see the new Beach swimwear is kind of a throwback to the logo deign they have used in the past on the Icon series. The 2EROS logo is center on the back and accents your assets! This pair however has a nautical theme so in each part of the logo is a sailboat and anchor. It’s an evolution of the design that is just super fun.

The Beach is a low rise swim brief. So don’t expect a competition cut swim brief, it will have smaller coverage and for many of you out there this is a bonus. The colors they have available are Navy and Gold. There is one small detail that 2EROS does that I really love. That is the drawstring. They put aglets on the end of the string that are 2eros branded.

The Beach is available now at the 2EROS site for $54.95 AUD. It’s super fun and hope to see many of you out there wearing it this year.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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