We posted this on Twitter due to the fact the server is constantly crashing. The graphic above explains everything. We are currently in the cue to migrate UNB to the new server. Due to the size of UNB, for me to personally move it would take days. Part is due to the internet connection and server issues.
If we did plan on moving servers, we would have plenty of lead time. We could do it ourselves and copy and divide up the site into manageable sizes and do it over a week or more. But since we had virtually hours it’s harder to do. I tried to download the site yesterday but took me 7 hours to download almost 2 GB and that wasn’t even 20% of the site size. 7 years adds up!
So hopefully after today we will be on the new server and back to business as usual. I won’t have to keep restarting the site when I see it go down. Its been a bigger headache for me than you guys. But the end is def near. thanks so much for your patience during this annoying time.