It’s Reader Survey time! I personally love reading the answers and going through them. I actually read every “other” or fill in the blank/short answer questions. You guys are some of the best guys, I say this because you are honest, open, and fun. You guys don’t hold back, which I love, a few of you will tell me via email or text if something isn’t right or feel we did something wrong. Next, you are open and share your love with us. I have gained many friends over the years though the blog and will continue to gain more I know. Lastly, it’s just fun to share all this back with you guys. You know how you answered but you get to find out how others answered the same questions. I hope this will encourage a few of you to come on the podcast as well and share your love.
We have this week to take the survey! Don’t miss out or it will be next year before you get to take it. If you have any issues click here to go to the form.