Have you guys heard of Twitter Spaces? It’s a live discussion, similar to our Brief Talk Podcast but it’s taking place in real time and you guys can join in. We are giving it a try on Saturday June 19th at 4 PM EST. Just know we may mess something up being the first one but we’lll have fun doing it.
Some things to know:
- Its open to the public so I don’t think you need a twitter account to listen
- To join us you have to have a Twitter Account
- Me, Andy and Erik will be LIVE together talking and bringing some of you on as well.
- This hopefully will be the first of many Spaces we will do.
- Come to have fun with us
To Join the Space, tune in at 4 PM and go to my Twitter account UNBTim. For some reason, the main UNB account doesn’t have the Spaces capability at this moment. Or you can click this link – UNB Brief Talk Twitter Space