
I know this is not a very sexy post, but I think this would be a good thing for people buying and selling underwear. The USPS has unveiled set pricing for Priority Mail. They have several different sizes, from letter to a 12×12 Box. The best thing is you can put up to 70 pounds in the box for the same low rate.

Now, I doubt even if you fill that box with undies you will come close to 70 pounds, but now you can save a lot more on shipping and get your order much faster. I know shipping costs are one thing a lot of people take in consideration when shopping.
We will have to wait and see when this is implemented by many of the underwear companies and also will this influence more free shipping offers? Time will tell but this will be a great thing for underwear shopping online and other e-commerce sites!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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