
We are going Social here! What does that mean, well there are two great things! First and he purpose of this picture, is you the reader can now rate undies along with us! Yes, that’s right, if you see a review, just click the title and open the post in it’s own window and you can rate the underwear on the same categories we use. So, you can tell us, “Yeah you guys were right on,” or “No you guys suck, and were totally wrong” Then you can compare our rating with yours!  The picture above is from the AussieBum Bodiform review. This function should be on every review we’ve done, so feel free to rate one or them all!

Next is you can now share the postings on any social network. That includes Facebook, Twitter, Digg and about 22 more sites. The button just below the red bod is on every post. You can click it and send the post to your favorite social site!

We will be working on improvements to the site, and hope you enjoy these! We wanted to make them a little more interactive. If you have more ideas let us know


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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