Ergowear goesPink is one of my all time favorite colors of underwear. Since as far as I can remember I have loved it. After I found my first pair I sought out other pairs. At times it has been super hard to find but in the last 5 years it has been a big color in men’s underwear. Like it or hate the trend it’s not going anywhere.

ErgoWear has released a new limited edition series in just pink. The limited edition is limited to just the thong, brief and boxer. So it’s not a super huge pink collection but is in three of their favorite styles. Each of these styles has the amazing Ergowear pouch that has to be one one of the pairs I will always recommend. The pink is now just an added bonus!

If you are looking to try Ergowear and love pink, there is no better time to try them. You can get an amazing color and a  pair of underwear with an awesome pouch! You can find these on the Ergowear website.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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