Looking for something comfortable, colorful, and new for your drawer?  Look no further than Whittall & Shon!  You may have heard of this small operation out of New York, but if you haven’t, you are seriously missing out on some of the most comfortable underwear and clothing accessories around.  I personally found Whittall & Shon very early on in my underwear career and I’m extremely happy I did.

Some styles have names, but others just have numbers.  I have two pairs of the 161 Trim Square Cut style.  I ordered the Turquoise-Orange from DealByEthan.com, and due to an inventory error, I received the Brown-Blue style.  I was a little bummed at first since I really wanted the bright colors of the Turquoise-Orange, but the second I put them on, they could have been any color in the world.

The feel of the material in this underwear is seriously unrivaled…made of 95% Microfiber and 5% Lycra.  Let me put this out there…I love microfiber. Love it, love it, and love it!  Coming from a car guy who uses microfiber towels to clean his car at car shows, I just love the material and the fact that a company will put it into its underwear is amazing.  Call me bias, but I feel the use of microfiber makes this underwear some of the most comfortable around.

Not only does the underwear feel amazing, but it also looks amazing. The 161 comes in almost totally opposite colors of the spectrum: brown and blue, turquoise and orange, yellow and blue, and white and red.  It is amazing how a simple, two color design can produce such an aesthetically pleasing product.  The piping around the edges is one color and the fill is the other.  Such a simple design will get instant attention at the locker room, the club, or wherever you find it appropriate, or not, to strip down and show off your undies!

There’s more to talk about with the 161 from Whittall & Shon.  Some of us care about the feel, some the color, and others care about the fit and the support.  Worry not!  I’ve got you covered, and so does the 161.  It has a seriously amazing fit.  I continue throwing around the word “amazing”, and you may think I don’t mean it.  But I seriously do!  There is absolutely no bunching at all, especially on the legs.  The boxer brief is still a boxer brief at the end of the day; it won’t be a brief when it’s time for bed.  That is even the case for someone like me who is constantly moving around, in all sorts of positions.  Support is also good with the 161.  Though there isn’t a dedicated pouch, there is still plenty of support for the valuables.  It feels right and far from cramped.

If you’ve managed to stay along for this journey, and are still interested, definitely give Whittall & Shon a try.  They are available from their online store at whittallandshonmen.com or from several online retailers, such as dealbyethan.com.



  1. Awesome post STNC you do a great description of the details, i really enjoyed it!

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