
Brief Talk Podcast


In this episode of the Brief Talk Podcast, UNB TIM interviews Mr. Southern Gear about his love for underwear. They discuss how Mr. Southern Gear discovered his passion for underwear through catalogs and online retailers. They also talk about the challenges of buying underwear as a young gay man and the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in your underwear. Mr. Southern Gear shares his favorite styles and brands, including Greg Hom, Olaf Benz, and Ergowear. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the different pouch designs in underwear and the size of Mr. Southern Gear’s underwear collection, which is estimated to be over a thousand pairs. In this conversation, UNB TIM and SouthernGear discuss their love for underwear and the importance of a good pouch. They talk about different brands that offer comfortable and well-designed pouches, such as Ergowear, Greg Hom, Cock Socks, and Obviously for Men. They also touch on the topic of sheer socks and how they can add a sexy and elegant touch to an outfit. The conversation highlights the confidence-boosting power of underwear and the journey of self-acceptance in embracing one’s personal style.


underwear, passion, catalogs, online retailers, challenges, confidence, comfort, styles, brands, pouch designs, collection, underwear, pouch, storage problem, brands, pouches, sheer socks, confidence, self-acceptance


  • Discovering a passion for underwear can happen through catalogs, online retailers, or exposure to unique styles not commonly found in stores.
  • Buying underwear as a young gay man can be challenging and may involve secrecy and navigating parental approval.
  • Feeling confident and comfortable in your underwear is important, and wearing styles that make you feel good about yourself can be empowering.
  • Favorite styles of underwear can include low-cut briefs, string bikinis, and thongs.
  • Popular brands mentioned in the conversation include Greg Hom, Olaf Benz, and Ergowear.
  • Pouch designs in underwear, such as those by Ergowear, are highly regarded for their comfort and support.
  • Mr. Southern Gear’s underwear collection is estimated to be over a thousand pairs. A good pouch is essential for comfort and support in underwear.
  • Brands like Ergowear, Greg Hom, Cock Socks, and Obviously for Men offer well-designed pouches.
  • Sheer socks can add a sexy and elegant touch to an outfit.
  • Underwear can boost confidence and empower individuals to feel their best.
  • Self-acceptance and embracing one’s personal style are important in the journey of underwear appreciation.


  • A Massive Underwear Collection
  • Discovering a Passion for Underwear The Allure of Sheer Socks
  • Brands with Well-Designed Pouches

Sound Bites

  • “This is really great to get to share my passion with everyone on my Twitter.”
  • “You filled them out well.”
  • “Feeling that fabric on your rear, just completely uncovered is just a transformative experience.”
  • “Wow, I was not expecting that. Wow.”
  • “You do not have an underwear problem, you have a storage problem.”
  • “It is a storage problem, it’s not an underwear problem.”


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The podcast episode revolves around a discussion on body image and self-perception, with the hosts and guests sharing their personal experiences and challenges. The conversation covers topics such as body positivity, fitness goals, ideal body types, and the impact of social media on body image. The guests also discuss their individual journeys, including weight loss, self-acceptance, and the importance of a balanced approach to diet and exercise. The conversation covers topics related to body image, self-esteem, and personal style. It delves into the impact of body image on clothing choices, the role of diet and nutrition, and the emotional aspects of body transformation. The speakers share personal experiences and insights, offering a candid and relatable discussion on body image and self-perception.


body image, self-perception, body positivity, fitness goals, ideal body types, weight loss, self-acceptance, social media impact, balanced diet, exercise, personal journeys, body image, self-esteem, clothing choices, diet, nutrition, emotional impact, personal style, body transformation, self-perception


  • Body image and self-perception are deeply personal and can be influenced by various factors, including social media, personal experiences, and societal standards.
  • Fitness goals and ideal body types are subjective and can vary from person to person. It’s important to focus on individual health and well-being rather than conforming to external standards.
  • Balanced diet and exercise play a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a healthy body, and it’s essential to approach fitness goals with a positive and sustainable mindset.
  • Self-acceptance and self-care are key components of a healthy body image, and it’s important to prioritize mental and emotional well-being alongside physical health. Body image and self-esteem play a significant role in clothing choices and personal style.
  • Diet and nutrition have a direct impact on body transformation and emotional well-being.
  • The emotional aspects of body image and self-perception are complex and can influence personal confidence and self-esteem.


  • Exploring Body Image and Self-Perception
  • The Impact of Social Media on Body Image Navigating Body Image and Personal Style
  • Emotional Aspects of Body Image and Self-Perception

Sound Bites

  • “I just don’t like the pictures, so I don’t have a really good one right now.”
  • “I have good days and bad days. There’s days where I’m like, oh wow, I look amazing.”
  • “I’m semi famous. I’m internet famous.”
  • “If you want to lose weight, if you just subtract 500 calories from that, from your goal, so say you need 20,000 calories to just survive, go from 2000 to 19,500. That’s your calorie. And then that will actually help you lose the weight because I think it’s like 500 calories less a week will help you lose a pound.”
  • “And then I’ll wait till the end of the summer to start wearing it, because that way I can have a golden tan a little bit to kind of offset the colors to make it look a little more appropriate. So I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m just neurotic into my thoughts on that or what, but that’s just something crazy, something crazy that I do.”
  • “Yeah, so it was definitely, it was, it, it started on the weekend and I think it took a couple days during the week, but by, well actually it was just last weekend, by I think Thursday, maybe Wednesday or Thursday, I was feeling better and I kind of like, okay, like I’m done, I’m over it.”


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Christian Mitchell

Christian Mitchell shares his journey of making his own thongs and custom gear using a special sewing machine called a serger. He explains how he got into making thongs and the challenges he faced in learning how to sew with spandex. Christian discusses the different fabrics he uses, such as metallic spandex and faux Louis Vuitton fabric, and the importance of finding high-quality materials. He also talks about the customization options for thongs and the growing popularity of thongs in the men’s underwear market. Christian encourages others to give it a try and offers his expertise and advice for anyone interested in making their own thongs.


thongs, custom gear, sewing, spandex, serger, metallic spandex, faux Louis Vuitton fabric, customization, men’s underwear


  • Making your own thongs and custom gear can be a fun and rewarding hobby.
  • Learning how to sew with spandex and use a serger machine is essential for creating professional-looking thongs.
  • Finding high-quality fabrics, such as metallic spandex and faux Louis Vuitton fabric, is important for durability and aesthetics.
  • Thongs are becoming increasingly popular in the men’s underwear market, and there are many customization options available.
  • Experimenting with different designs and materials allows for unique and personalized thongs.


  • The Rise of Thongs in the Men’s Underwear Market
  • The Journey of Making Thongs: From Hobby to Side Hustle

Sound Bites

  • “When I grabbed it from and trimmed it off, I realized that it made the exact same type of stitch that I was looking for, that nice clean stitch.”
  • “If you want to be really edgy and non-PC, go ahead and make your own thongs out of nylon-based spandex.”
  • “I will do my best. You know, if you don’t like it, it’s fine. You know, and they were willing to they were willing to pay money for him.”

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Pond Copenhagen is a swimwear brand founded by Anna and Mikkel in Denmark. They saw a gap in the market for functional and aesthetically pleasing swimwear in Scandinavia. The brand focuses on swimwear for urban dipping and urban swimming, catering to the growing trend of swimming in the harbor and waterways of Copenhagen. They offer a range of styles, including the Pond1 essential model, which has a fit in between a razor brief and a square cut brief. The brand also emphasizes the importance of comfort and versatility, with features like side loops and cord stoppers. They offer a variety of colors, from classic black to bold reds and yellows, and draw inspiration from outdoor gear brands like North Face and Patagonia. Pond Copenhagen aims to break the taboo around wearing Speedos and encourage more guys to embrace swim briefs. They organize events like the DIP Club, where attendees are required to wear Speedos, to create a supportive and inclusive community. Tupand is a swimwear brand based in Copenhagen, Denmark. They focus on creating high-quality swim briefs for men and have received positive feedback on the fit of their swimwear. Inspired by the success of their swimwear, Tupand decided to expand into the underwear market. They have released a collection of briefs made from wood fiber fabric, which is sustainable and environmentally friendly. The brand aims to not only provide stylish swimwear and underwear but also to inspire people to embrace swim briefs and advocate for cleaner waterways.

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Pond Copenhagen, swimwear brand, urban dipping, urban swimming, Scandinavian swimwear, functional swimwear, aesthetically pleasing swimwear, Copenhagen harbor, swim briefs, versatile swimwear, color options, breaking the taboo, DIP Club, Tupand, swimwear, underwear, fit, wood fiber fabric, sustainable, environmentally friendly, swim briefs, embrace, cleaner waterways


  • Pond Copenhagen is a swimwear brand founded in Denmark that focuses on swimwear for urban dipping and urban swimming.
  • The brand offers a range of styles, including the Pond1 essential model, which has a fit in between a razor brief and a square cut brief.
  • Pond Copenhagen emphasizes comfort and versatility, with features like side loops and cord stoppers.
  • They offer a variety of colors, from classic black to bold reds and yellows, and draw inspiration from outdoor gear brands like North Face and Patagonia.
  • The brand aims to break the taboo around wearing Speedos and organizes events like the DIP Club to create a supportive and inclusive community. Tupand started as a swimwear brand and expanded into the underwear market based on positive feedback on the fit of their swimwear.
  • Their underwear collection features classic cuts and is made from wood fiber fabric, which is sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  • Tupand aims to inspire people to embrace swim briefs and advocate for cleaner waterways.
  • The brand has a global presence, with a significant portion of their sales coming from the US.


  • Breaking the Taboo: Embracing Speedos
  • Swimwear for Urban Dipping and Urban Swimming Embracing Swim Briefs: Tupand’s Mission
  • From Swimwear to Underwear: Tupand’s Expansion

Sound Bites

  • “We thought, hey, why not make a swimwear brand for what we call urban dipping or urban swimming? We thought that was missing.”
  • “We were really keen to come up with a design for our Pond1 essential model or collection, which is our bestseller, to find a fit that was in between a razor brief and a more square cut brief.”
  • “We wanted to bring something that is more fashionable, even more comfortable wearing when swimming in the harbor, especially during wintertime.”
  • “We got so much feedback from our community around the fit of our swimwear.”
  • “We managed to solve some really nice wood fiber fabric, actually, a fabric made mainly from wood fibers, so quite sustainable and or at least environmentally friendly.”
  • “Our mission is to inspire people around the world to push for more swim opportunities and cleaner harbors, cleaner waterways.”

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Jay, a guest on the podcast, shares his love for skimpy underwear and his journey of discovering it. He talks about how he started appreciating underwear from a young age and how his mom supported his love for fun and sexy underwear. Jay also discusses his exploration of different brands and his tradition of buying underwear as souvenirs when traveling. He emphasizes the liberating and empowering feeling of wearing skimpy underwear and how it makes him feel sexy and confident. In this conversation, Jay discusses his love for skimpy and well-fitting underwear, his favorite brands, and his experiences with underwear shopping and modeling. He also shares how underwear has helped him feel confident and comfortable in his own skin. Jay and his husband have had many adventures in underwear, including matching underwear and stripping. Jay emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and surrounding oneself with supportive people. He can be found on Twitter as @desertotter and on Instagram as @charmedmage.


skimpy underwear, love of underwear, journey, brands, tradition, liberating, empowering, sexy, confident, underwear, skimpy, well-fitting, favorite brands, shopping, modeling, confidence, self-acceptance, adventures, matching underwear, stripping


  • Jay’s love for skimpy underwear started at a young age and was supported by his mom.
  • He enjoys exploring different brands and buying underwear as souvenirs when traveling.
  • Wearing skimpy underwear makes Jay feel sexy and confident.
  • Skimpy underwear is liberating and empowering for Jay. Skimpy and well-fitting underwear can make a person feel confident and comfortable.
  • Finding the right underwear brand and style is a personal journey.
  • Underwear shopping can be an adventure, especially when exploring different stores and trying new brands.
  • Matching underwear and stripping can be fun experiences for couples.
  • Wearing underwear that makes you feel good can boost self-acceptance and body confidence.
  • Surrounding yourself with supportive people who embrace your love for underwear is important.


  • Exploring Brands and Traditions
  • Discovering the Love for Skimpy Underwear Embracing Self-Acceptance Through Underwear
  • Boosting Confidence with the Right Underwear

Sound Bites

  • “I love all campers.”
  • “My mother liked to shop, so we always went to the malls and everything. So it was no big deal. Like, oh, did you find any underwear today?”
  • “If we go to a new city or visiting on vacation somewhere, like screw the, you know, screw the memento, like shot glass, like we’re going to get a souvenir, a pair of underwear everywhere we go.”
  • “I feel super confident and sexy in a thong.”
  • “I need a good pouch where everything just fits well.”
  • “Wearing something that gives us that boost.”

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dgar, a web technician from Venezuela living in Spain, shares his love for thongs and his journey in discovering his underwear style. He started with bikinis and boxers, then transitioned to jockstraps and eventually found his love for thongs. Edgar feels comfortable and free in thongs, and he enjoys showing off his bulge. He also wears spandex to the gym, as it provides support and freedom of motion. Edgar encourages everyone to embrace their preferred underwear style and live their best life. Edgar discusses his love for wearing thongs under leggings and swim briefs to the beach. He finds them comfortable and appreciates that they eliminate underwear lines. He also mentions that some men wear thongs to enhance their bulge. Edgar shares that he has been wearing swim briefs and thongs for a few years and that he was inspired by seeing men in skimpy swimwear on TV shows in South America. He talks about the double standard and stigma around men wearing thongs, but believes that more straight men are starting to embrace them. Edgar’s friends know about his love for thongs and respect his choice of underwear. His partner is supportive and accepting of his preference for skimpy underwear. Edgar encourages others to be confident and comfortable in their own choices.


Edgar, dyslexic, web technician, Venezuela, Spain, thongs, underwear, bikinis, boxers, jockstraps, bulge, spandex, gym, support, freedom of motion, embrace, live your best life, thongs, leggings, swim briefs, beach, comfort, underwear lines, bulge, South America, double standard, stigma, straight men, friends, partner, confidence


  • Discovering your preferred underwear style is a journey that often starts at a young age.
  • Embrace the underwear style that makes you feel comfortable and confident.
  • Wearing thongs can provide a sense of freedom and sexiness.
  • Spandex is a popular choice for the gym due to its support and freedom of motion. Thongs are popular among men for their comfort and ability to eliminate underwear lines.
  • Some men wear thongs to enhance their bulge.
  • Edgar has been wearing swim briefs and thongs for a few years, inspired by seeing men in skimpy swimwear on TV shows in South America.
  • There is a double standard and stigma around men wearing thongs, but more straight men are starting to embrace them.
  • Edgar’s friends know about his love for thongs and respect his choice of underwear.
  • His partner is supportive and accepting of his preference for skimpy underwear.
  • Edgar encourages others to be confident and comfortable in their own choices.


  • Discovering the Love for Thongs
  • The Freedom and Sexiness of Thongs Supportive Friends and Partners
  • Embracing Confidence and Individuality

Sound Bites

  • “You feel one way, you can put on one thong, you feel another, you can put on another.”
  • “Underwear is kind of a journey, especially when we start when you’re younger.”
  • “I feel really comfortable and really feel free. And at the same time, I feel this freedom to wear what I want and when it makes me feel good.”
  • “Why do you love thongs under leggings? What’s your reason for wearing them under leggings and spandex?”
  • “For me it’s comfortable. It’s comfortable and at the same time it’s the underwear lines. I don’t like the underwear lines showing up in your tights.”
  • “And nothing wrong with that, because I think, like you said, women show up all the time why I can’t a man.”

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In this episode of the Brief Talk Podcast, Trey Romero, a maker of thongs, joins the show to discuss his brand and the world of thongs. Trey shares how he got started in making thongs and the inspiration behind his designs. He emphasizes the importance of pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms when it comes to men’s underwear and swimwear. The conversation also touches on the increasing popularity of thongs and the need for more acceptance and spaces for thong-wearing. Overall, the episode explores the evolving perception of thongs and the freedom and confidence they can bring. The conversation explores the journey of men’s thong underwear and the evolving acceptance of men wearing lingerie. The hosts discuss the lack of variety in men’s underwear options and the growing demand for more daring and sexy styles. They also touch on the societal stigma surrounding men wearing thongs and the importance of embracing personal style and self-expression. The conversation highlights the positive feedback and joy that comes from creating and wearing thongs, as well as the sense of community and connection among thong enthusiasts.


thongs, men’s underwear, swimwear, fashion, boundaries, acceptance, men’s thong underwear, lingerie, variety, self-expression, stigma, personal style, community


  • Thongs for men are becoming increasingly popular and accepted.
  • There is a need for more acceptance and spaces for thong-wearing.
  • Thongs can bring a sense of freedom and confidence.
  • Pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms is important in the world of men’s underwear and swimwear. Men’s thong underwear is becoming more popular and accepted, but there is still a lack of variety in the market.
  • Wearing thongs is about self-expression and embracing personal style, regardless of societal stigma.
  • Creating and wearing thongs brings joy and a sense of community among enthusiasts.
  • Men should feel empowered to wear whatever makes them feel confident and comfortable.


  • Creating Spaces for Thong-Wearing
  • Thongs: A Symbol of Freedom and Confidence The Evolution of Men’s Thong Underwear
  • The Joy of Creating and Wearing Thongs

Sound Bites

  • “Bright colors, palm trees, and beaches: the essence of my thongs.”
  • “Wear a neon green thong on the beach, go all out!”
  • “Thongs are just a garment, not necessarily sexual.”
  • “We’re getting there, but we still don’t have a pair we can wear to work.”
  • “We’re getting there. It’s just straight guys have never had the opportunity to branch out and experience underwear like gay men do.”
  • “You either like it or you hate it. But straight guys are now taking risks they didn’t take before.”

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*** Note this is a report the orginal post had a show 9 minutes long, this is the show in its entirety****

In this episode of the Brief Talk Podcast, Tim Goleman discusses swimwear with two guests who are knowledgeable about the topic. They talk about their favorite swimwear brands, the importance of finding the right fit, and the different types of swimwear for various occasions. They also share their experiences wearing swimwear in public and offer advice for those who are new to wearing Speedos or swim briefs. The conversation highlights the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in your swimwear and encourages listeners to embrace their personal style.


swimwear, Speedos, swim briefs, brands, fit, confidence, comfort, public, advice


  • Finding the right swimwear brand and fit is important for feeling confident and comfortable.
  • There are many different types of swimwear for various occasions, including fun prints and solid colors.
  • Wearing swimwear in public can be a liberating experience, and it’s important to find supportive and accepting environments.
  • It’s helpful to try on different swimwear styles and sizes to find what works best for your body.
  • Embracing your personal style and wearing what makes you feel good is key when it comes to swimwear.


  • Embracing Confidence: Wearing Swimwear in Public
  • Tips for Newcomers: Advice for Buying and Wearing Speedos

Sound Bites

  • “You can never have too many in my opinion”
  • “They flatten everything and then you’re just looking like, you know, it’s looking like a paper doll, I guess”
  • “You can never have enough speedos, underwear and tights”



Introduction: The Swimwear Show


Finding the Perfect Fit: Exploring Different Swimwear Brands


Tips for Newcomers: Advice for Buying and Wearing Speedos


The Importance of Personal Style: Celebrating Individuality in Swimwear

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In this episode, Scotty shares his journey of discovering and embracing underwear and swimwear as a gay man. He talks about his initial interest in underwear, influenced by Calvin Klein ads, and how it made him feel sexy and confident. Scotty also discusses his transition from a straight man to a gay man in his 50s and how taking care of his body improved his self-image. He shares his nervousness and insecurities when wearing swim briefs for the first time, but also the liberation and freedom it brought him. This conversation explores the experiences and preferences of wearing swimwear, particularly in gay beach settings. The importance of supportive partners and their impact on self-expression through social media is highlighted. The significance of acceptance and understanding in relationships is discussed, along with the joy of having a partner who encourages personal exploration. The unique experience of both partners being into underwear and swimwear is also touched upon. The conversation concludes with a message of embracing happiness and self-expression.


  • Underwear and swimwear can be empowering and boost self-confidence.
  • Taking care of your body can positively impact your self-image.
  • Wearing swim briefs in a gay-friendly environment can be liberating.
  • Body acceptance and embracing your own journey are important in feeling comfortable in your own skin. Wearing swimwear at gay beaches can create a sense of belonging and ease of participation.
  • Comfort and fit are key factors when choosing swimwear.
  • Having a supportive partner who encourages self-expression is invaluable.
  • Acceptance and understanding are crucial in relationships.
  • The joy of having a partner who supports personal exploration is immeasurable.
  • The experience of both partners being into underwear and swimwear is rare and exciting.
  • Embracing happiness and self-expression is essential for personal fulfillment.

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In this episode, Paul, a thong lover from Germany, shares his journey and passion for unique and kinky underwear. He discusses the acceptance of thongs in Germany and the changing attitudes towards underwear. Paul also talks about the influence of social media on underwear trends and the growing market for lace underwear. He shares his favorite styles of underwear and the size of his collection. Paul discusses the confidence boost that comes from wearing unique underwear and how he has influenced others to try smaller underwear. He also shares his experiences working with underwear brands and offers insights into the business side of brand collaborations.


  • The acceptance of unique and kinky underwear is growing in Germany, but there are still some societal norms and stereotypes to overcome.
  • Social media has played a significant role in shaping underwear trends and making unique styles more mainstream.
  • Wearing unique underwear can boost confidence and make individuals feel special and empowered.
  • Paul’s collection of underwear includes a variety of styles, from thongs to jog straps and even latex.
  • When working with underwear brands, it’s important to understand your value and not undersell yourself.

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Rayze Swimwear, formerly known as Nutshack, has recently rebranded and expanded its product line to include swimwear for both men and women. The brand offers a variety of styles, including thongs, briefs, and in-between options, catering to a wide range of preferences. Rayze Swimwear has gained popularity for its unique and fun designs, with a focus on comfort and functionality for lap swimming. The brand has also found success in the swim thong market, attracting customers from various backgrounds. Despite the challenges of running a business, Rayze Swimwear continues to thrive and provide custom-made swimwear with a relatively short lead time.


  • Rayze Swimwear has rebranded and expanded its product line to include swimwear for both men and women.
  • The brand offers a variety of styles, including thongs, briefs, and in-between options, catering to a wide range of preferences.
  • Rayze Swimwear focuses on comfort and functionality for lap swimming, with designs that are suitable for both swimming and lounging.
  • The brand has found success in the swim thong market, attracting customers from various backgrounds.

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Fabian shares his love for briefs and his journey of discovering different brands and styles. He explains his preference for fuller briefs and the appeal of showing off brief lines. Fabian also discusses the reactions he receives from others and the insecurities some people have about showing off their underwear. He shares his experiences of wearing briefs in different settings and the interest it generates. Finally, Fabian reveals that he has a collection of around 65 to 70 pairs of underwear. In this conversation, Fabian discusses his partner’s reaction to his underwear and how they support his interest. He also shares stories about his friends’ reactions and the taboo nature of discussing underwear in the gay community. Fabian talks about his experiences at the laundromat and the attention his underwear receives. He explains how showing off brief lines boosts his confidence and the different types of shorts that accentuate the lines. The conversation concludes with a discussion about future episodes and the impact of Fabian’s stories on listeners.


  • Partners can have different reactions to a person’s interest in underwear, but support is important.
  • Friends may have varying opinions about underwear, but it’s important to explore and wear what makes you feel good.
  • Doing laundry at a laundromat can lead to interesting encounters and conversations about underwear.
  • Showing off brief lines can boost confidence and be a fun way to express oneself.
  • Different types of shorts can accentuate brief lines and create a visually appealing look.

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April Thong

The panelists discuss their experiences and recommendations for wearing swim thongs. They share their favorite swim thongs and offer advice for those who are hesitant to try them. They also talk about the importance of finding a comfortable and accepting environment to wear swim thongs. The panelists highlight the benefits of wearing swim thongs and the confidence boost they provide. They also discuss the different styles and brands of swim thongs available. The conversation revolves around the growing popularity of swim thongs among men. The participants discuss their personal experiences wearing thongs, the reasons behind the increasing acceptance of thongs, and the upcoming thongers weekends. They also share advice for those interested in trying thongs and highlight the importance of confidence and self-expression.


swim thongs, swimwear, thongers, advice, experiences, comfort, confidence, swim thongs, men’s swimwear, thongers weekends, confidence, self-expression


  • Find a comfortable and accepting environment to wear swim thongs
  • Start with a swim thong that provides more coverage and gradually work your way to skimpier styles
  • Choose swim thongs with lining for added comfort and modesty
  • Explore different brands and styles to find what works best for you
  • Wearing swim thongs can boost confidence and provide a sense of belonging Swim thongs provide a sense of freedom and comfort, and many men find them empowering and sexy.
  • The growing popularity of swim thongs can be attributed to factors such as increased body positivity, the influence of social media, and the desire to push personal boundaries.
  • Thongers weekends are events where thong enthusiasts gather to socialize, share experiences, and explore new swimwear styles.
  • Wearing a thong can be a confidence-building experience, and it is important to remember that most people are accepting and supportive.
  • It is recommended to start with a bikini or brief and gradually transition to a thong to build confidence.
  • Shopping for swim thongs in person can be a fun and rewarding experience, as it allows for trying on different styles and brands.
  • Clearance sales in late summer are a great opportunity to stock up on swim thongs for the following year.
  • Thongers weekends provide a sense of community and the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals from different backgrounds and countries.


  • Exploring Different Brands and Styles
  • The Importance of Lining in Swim Thongs Thongers Weekends: A Gathering of Thong Enthusiasts
  • The Rise of Swim Thongs: Empowerment and Self-Expression

Sound Bites

  • “Find a spot where you feel comfortable, which is usually either a gay or gay-friendly space, an adult space, a clothing-optional space.”
  • “Start with something lined, maybe a little drawstring. And just, you know, have some fun, find some things that work for you.”
  • “Start with something that maybe has a little bigger back if you’re not trying to take little baby steps into the skimpy, skimpy world.”
  • “Just, that’s just the way it is.”
  • “I just really appreciate over the years seeing more and more guys.”
  • “Well, you could just go for a pouch.”

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In this episode, UNB Tim interviews Stephen, a popular social media personality known for his love of underwear and gaming. Stephen shares his journey of discovering underwear through catalogs and online shopping. He also discusses his fitness journey and the importance of body image. Stephen reveals his favorite underwear styles, including briefs and jockstraps, and talks about the importance of finding the right fit. He also discusses the challenges of streaming in underwear due to platform moderation. Overall, the conversation highlights Stephen’s passion for underwear and his unique perspective on the intersection of fashion and gaming. In this conversation, Steven EYTH and UNB Tim discuss various topics related to underwear preferences, sleepwear, personal growth, and social media presence. They talk about singlets and different underwear styles, as well as comfort and preferences in sleepwear. The conversation also touches on temperature preferences and the enjoyment of hot weather. Steven shares his experience of cuddling with his puppy for warmth and the adorable behavior of pug puppies. They discuss dealing with breakups, not letting others’ opinions affect self-confidence, and embracing personal happiness. The conversation concludes with a discussion on handling haters and trolls on social media and the importance of taking control of one’s social media presence.


  • Discovering underwear can be a personal journey influenced by various factors, such as catalogs, online shopping, and personal preferences.
  • Body image and fitness are important aspects of self-care, and finding the right underwear can contribute to feeling confident and comfortable.
  • Preferences in underwear styles, such as briefs and jockstraps, can vary based on individual body types and personal preferences.
  • Moderation and platform guidelines can impact the way underwear is showcased and discussed in online spaces, requiring content creators to navigate these restrictions. Underwear preferences and sleepwear choices vary among individuals.
  • Personal growth and focusing on self-happiness are important after a breakup.
  • Not comparing relationships to others and embracing individual paths can lead to personal fulfillment.
  • Developing a mindset of not caring about others’ opinions can lead to a more confident and fulfilling life.
  • Taking control of social media presence and avoiding removal is important for content creators.

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In this episode, Tim interviews two straight couples about their experiences with unconventional underwear choices. The conversation explores the discovery and acceptance of their partners’ interest in underwear, the challenges of societal expectations and stereotypes, and the importance of trust and open communication. The couples discuss the evolution of their underwear choices, the impact on their relationships, and the need for representation and acceptance in the underwear industry. They also share their thoughts on managing budgets and shopping habits, as well as the benefits of embracing personal preferences. In this part of the conversation, John and Amanda discuss their exploration of different styles of underwear, including lace and silk. John shares his plan to participate in the Speedo Santa Run, and Amanda expresses her support for his swimwear choices. They also talk about John and Lisa’s experimentation with makeup and lingerie. The conversation then shifts to shopping for underwear at different stores and Andrew’s interest in trying different brands. Finally, they discuss Todd Sandfield and his brand of underwear. The conversation revolves around discussing favorite underwear brands, unique and unconventional underwear styles, hybrid underwear styles, and underwear with LED lights. The participants express a preference for bikini-style underwear and a dislike for boxers due to lack of support and discomfort. They also discuss the decline in popularity of silk boxers and the growing variety and availability of men’s underwear. The conversation highlights the importance of promoting acceptance and normalization of unconventional underwear styles, including thong underwear and unconventional swimwear.


  • Open communication and acceptance are crucial in navigating unconventional underwear choices within relationships.
  • Societal expectations and stereotypes can create insecurities and challenges, but challenging these norms can lead to personal growth and stronger relationships.
  • Representation and acceptance in the underwear industry are important for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation.
  • Managing budgets and shopping habits can be a consideration when building an extensive underwear collection, but supporting each other’s preferences is key. Exploring different styles of underwear can be a fun and exciting way to express oneself.
  • Supporting and encouraging each other’s choices in underwear can strengthen a relationship.
  • Shopping for underwear at different stores and trying out different brands can lead to new discoveries and preferences.
  • The underwear industry has evolved to offer a wide range of options for all preferences and orientations.

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In this episode, Javier Campos shares his love for underwear and how it started at a young age. He discusses his favorite styles and brands, including European brands like HOM and MEY. Javier also talks about his partner’s support for his underwear obsession, even though he doesn’t fully understand it. He also shares his experience of having a straight friend who appreciates the underwear recommendations he gives. In this conversation, Javier Campos discusses his passion for underwear and his efforts to introduce better underwear to his partner and others. He shares stories of spreading the joy of good underwear and the importance of wearing quality undergarments. The conversation also touches on the reach of the podcast and the idea of a new podcast about stealing underwear. Javier shares his online presence and concludes with closing remarks.


  • Underwear obsessions can start at a young age and continue into adulthood.
  • Exploring different styles and brands can enhance the underwear experience.
  • Partners may not fully understand the obsession with underwear, but can still be supportive.
  • Sharing the love for underwear with friends can create a sense of community and appreciation. Introducing new fabrics and styles of underwear can enhance comfort and improve the overall underwear experience.
  • Spreading the joy of good underwear can help others discover the benefits of wearing quality undergarments.
  • Wearing good underwear can boost confidence and provide a sense of empowerment in various situations.
  • The podcast has a diverse audience, including straight listeners who have found the show through unconventional means.

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Note: Guest social media accounts may no longer be active due to social media removal. If you have any questions please email us. 

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, the platforms we choose to distribute our podcasts play a crucial role in how our audience engages with us. These choices often balance reaching a wide audience and adhering to platform-specific guidelines. With this context in mind, we need to share an important update regarding the availability of our podcasts, particularly in relation to YouTube Music.

As creators who value the diversity and depth of our topics, we occasionally delve into mature themes. Our episodes sometimes include discussions that lead us to provide links to additional resources or content on various platforms, including OnlyFans, Tumblr, and others. These links are provided to offer our listeners a deeper dive into the subjects discussed, ensuring a richer and more informed listening experience.

However, this practice has recently led to a significant change in how our podcasts can be shared. YouTube Music has informed us that linking to sites considered to host sexually explicit content violates their platform guidelines. Following a warning from YouTube Music, it has become clear that including such links in our show notes or descriptions is the primary reason for this contention.

This development has led us to make a difficult but necessary decision: Our podcasts will no longer be available on YouTube Music. This decision wasn’t made lightly. YouTube Music and YouTube have been valuable platforms for us, enabling our voices to reach thousands of listeners across the globe. Yet, the essence of our show and the integrity of our content cannot be compromised by omitting critical resources and links that we believe are essential to the discussion.

We understand this might be disappointing news for our listeners, who primarily use YouTube Music to tune into our podcasts. However, the good news is that our content will remain readily available on other popular platforms that many of you already use and love: Apple Podcasts and Spotify. These platforms do not currently impose the same restrictions regarding the links we can include in our show notes, allowing us to continue offering our content without altering its nature or the depth of information provided.

We want to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and understanding. The decision to move away from YouTube Music is not an end but a new beginning, offering us the freedom to produce content that remains true to our values and meets the expectations of our listeners.

For those who’ve been with us through various platforms and changes, your loyalty and engagement mean the world to us. We’re excited to continue this journey with you on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, where we’ll keep delivering the thought-provoking, unfiltered content you’ve come to expect from us.

Thank you for your understanding and for sticking with us. We’re looking forward to many more episodes together, exploring the depths of topics that matter to you without constraints.

Stay tuned, and as always, thank you for listening.


  • s in the US.
  • Swimwear trends include the resurgence of swim briefs and the popularity of unique patterns and prints.
  • Promoting underwear brands on social media can be challenging due to restrictions and double standards.
  • Having a strong social media presence and advertising budget can help brands navigate these challenges.


  • The Rising Prices of Underwear: Factors and Value
  • Bringing Unique and High-Quality Brands to the US Market Swimwear Trends: Swim Briefs and Unique Patterns
  • Japanese Underwear Brands and Their Local Audience

Sound Bites

  • “We try to get things shipped like within 24 hours, the latest.”
  • “I want guys who love underwear, who really want something fun, want to stand out a little bit.”
  • “Spending a little bit more on a pair of underwear is like a really good deal.”
  • “Each size has a separate pattern and a different fit.”
  • “Japanese underwear brands cater to their local audience and may not offer larger sizes.”
  • “Australian brands have innovative designs that appeal to the US market.”



Ken’s Journey into the World of Men’s Underwear


Navigating the Challenges of International Shipping


Bringing Unique and High-Quality Brands to the US Market


The Challenge of Finding Larger Sizes


The Challenges of Promoting Underwear Brands on Social Media

Shop HAUT –

Premium Men’s Underwear and Swimwear | Haut Underwear

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In this episode, Tucker shares his love for underwear and how he discovered his passion for briefs and jockstraps. He talks about his first good pair of underwear and the influence of locker room culture on his underwear preferences. Tucker discusses the confidence boost he gets from wearing sexy underwear and the joy of building his underwear collection. He also shares his favorite styles and brands of underwear and his mission to convert others to the love of briefs. Tucker concludes by sharing where listeners can find him online.


  • Locker room culture can influence underwear preferences.
  • Wearing sexy underwear can boost confidence.
  • Building an underwear collection can bring joy and excitement.
  • Sharing the love of briefs with others can be a fun mission

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In this conversation, Tim discusses his experiences and preferences when it comes to buying and wearing underwear. He shares stories of his largest underwear purchase, his shopping spree in New York, and his preference for bikini briefs. Tim also talks about his dislike for boxers and his preference for boxer briefs with a pouch. He discusses stealing underwear from hookups and the gym, as well as his desire to host underwear events and meetups in the future. In this conversation, the host and guest discuss various topics related to gender norms, gym dress codes, the evolution of the podcast, the impact on listeners, the challenges of recording and scheduling, the importance of editing, the influence of podcasting, improving interviewing skills, respecting anonymity, pushing boundaries in podcasting, and the joy of podcasting. They also touch on future plans and meetups.


  • Tim’s largest underwear purchase was around $250, and he has never spent more than that on underwear at one time.
  • He prefers bikini briefs and dislikes boxers, as he finds them saggy and lacking in support.
  • Tim has stolen underwear from hookups and the gym, and he has also asked to keep underwear from hookups.
  • He is interested in hosting underwear events and meetups in the future, where people can come together to celebrate and enjoy wearing underwear. Gendered clothing norms and dress codes can be restrictive and unfair.
  • Podcasting can have a significant impact on listeners, providing a sense of community and support.
  • Editing is a time-consuming but necessary part of podcasting.
  • Podcasters have a responsibility to create engaging and informative shows.
  • Everyone has a story to tell, and their experiences can be influential and inspiring to others.

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Due to the ever-shifting landscape of social media standards, we must caution that some of the links shared by our guests may no longer be valid. In a climate where double standards abound, navigating the online presence of men’s underwear and gear can be a challenge

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In this episode, Shane shares his journey as an underwear lover and collector. He discusses his first interest in Discover Underwear and the transition from basic boxers to high-quality brands. Shane reminisces about the first pair of underwear that amazed him and influenced his future preferences. He also explores the rise and fall of retro underwear and the importance of experimenting with different styles. The conversation touches on the future of underwear trends, the international vs. US underwear market, and the challenges of buying vintage underwear online. Shane shares his storage solutions for his extensive collection and the confidence-boosting power of wearing the right underwear. The episode concludes with a discussion on Hanes as a mainstream brand and the reactions of Shane’s spouse to his underwear collection.


  • Experimenting with different styles of underwear can lead to new preferences and a more enjoyable underwear journey.
  • The international underwear market often offers more adventurous and unique styles compared to the US market.
  • Buying vintage underwear online can be a rewarding experience for collectors, but storage can become a challenge.
  • Wearing the right underwear can boost confidence and complete a look, making it an important part of self-expression.

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Welcome to the latest episode of the Brief Talk Podcast, where we dive into the fascinating world of men’s thong swimwear and underwear. In this special international edition, we’ve gathered thong enthusiasts from three different countries to discuss the cultural acceptance of thongs, share personal experiences, and explore the growing trend of thong wear among men.

Guests and Their Backgrounds

  • Chris from Chicago, USA: Known for his active participation in the thong community, Chris shares insights from the American perspective, including popular thong-friendly locations and his personal journey in normalizing thong wear.
  • Yes Coach: A new voice to the podcast, he brings a fresh perspective on the topic and shares his enthusiasm for the community.
  • AussieThongbro from Sydney, Australia: With his recognizable accent, AussieThongbro discusses the emerging thong culture in Sydney and the regional differences within Australia.

Cultural Views on Men’s Thongs

Each guest provides a unique take on how their country views men’s thongs, particularly in public spaces like beaches. We delve into the acceptance levels, societal norms, and the presence of thong wearers in various regions.

  • Australia: Ozzy Thongbro reflects on the regional attitudes towards thongs, noting that while Sydney is becoming more accepting, other parts of Australia may still hold conservative views.
  • New Zealand: Yes Coach contrasts the New Zealand perspective with Australia, highlighting the lack of an ingrained Speedo culture and the general conservatism outside of Auckland.
  • USA: Chris discusses the mixed acceptance in the States, pointing out that while certain beaches and nudist locations are thong-friendly, mainstream beaches still favor more conservative swimwear.

Thong Tan Lines and Public Perception

The conversation shifts to the topic of thong tan lines, their appeal, and what they signify about the wearer. The guests share their strategies for achieving the perfect tan line and the challenges that come with wearing different thong styles.

Thong-Friendly Beaches and Events

We discuss specific thong-friendly beaches in each country and the concept of thonger weekends, where enthusiasts gather to celebrate their love for thongs. The guests ponder the possibility of such events gaining popularity in their respective countries.

Thong Underwear Acceptance

The episode also touches on the acceptance of thong underwear for men. The guests compare the visibility and availability of thong underwear in retail stores and the online market, as well as the personal confidence boost that comes with wearing them.

Community Impact and Social Media Challenges

Our guests share how they’ve inspired others to embrace thong wear and the positive feedback they’ve received. They also address the challenges of posting thong-related content on social media platforms like Instagram, where community guidelines often seem inconsistent and biased.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up the episode, we reflect on the progress made in normalizing men’s thong wear and the work that still needs to be done. We encourage listeners to embrace their preferences and contribute to a more open and accepting 

environment for thong enthusiasts worldwide.

Thank you for tuning in to this month’s thong show, and a special thanks to our Patreon supporters for making this episode possible. Join us next time for more discussions on men’s underwear and swimwear culture.

Don’t forget to support us on Patreon for more thong shows every month, and let’s keep the conversation going!

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Yes Coach


After we recorded ATB’s IG account was deleted 

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In this conversation, Yes Coach shares his journey of discovering and embracing his love for swimwear, singlets, and thongs. He discusses the influence of Chippendales and Manpower on his early fascination with thongs and the role of N2N Bodywear in fueling his passion. Yes Coach also talks about the challenges of shipping and the rise of Ozzybum as a reliable brand. He emphasizes the importance of breaking gender norms and embracing authenticity. Finally, he discusses his decision to start an OnlyFans account and provide personal coaching to help individuals with their life problems. In this conversation, Yes Coach discusses his role in providing clear guidance and permission to a client dealing with interpersonal problems at work. He emphasizes the importance of not letting professional issues consume one’s thoughts and offers practical advice. Yes Coach also shares his approach to maintaining personal boundaries on OnlyFans and not being swayed by audience demands. He talks about the support he received from his partner and their conversations about OnlyFans, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and understanding. The conversation delves into the concept of owning one’s body and image, as well as the significance of having a secure partner who trusts and supports individual choices. Yes Coach and the host discuss the benefits of maintaining separate lives within a relationship and the value of venting to objective friends. They explore the idea of rewriting relationship rules and challenging heteronormative expectations. The conversation concludes with Yes Coach addressing sexism and double standards in society and sharing where listeners can find him on social media.

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In this episode, the hosts review the X-Dress Luxe Satin Ruffle Shorts. They discuss their initial impressions, comfort and fit, wearing the shorts around the house, quality and construction, sizing and body awareness, styling and design, and their overall rating. The reviewers share their personal experiences and opinions, providing valuable insights for listeners. They also mention other X-Dress products and express their excitement for future reviews and episodes.


  • The X-Dress Luxe Satin Ruffle Shorts are comfortable and well-made, with a soft and stretchy material.
  • The shorts are versatile and can be worn as loungewear or as a cover-up for thong enthusiasts.
  • The sizing is consistent and accurate, and the shorts fit well.
  • The design of the shorts, particularly the ruffles, received mixed reviews, but overall, the styling is attractive.
  • X-Dress is known for its high-quality products and excellent customer service.

The pair was furnished by Xdress, buy it at –

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In this episode, Rob shares his journey of discovering and embracing his love for underwear. He found the podcast through a random search and realized there are many others who feel the same way. Rob started with affordable brands and gradually expanded his collection. He overcame his fear of buying underwear in person and now enjoys exploring different styles and prints. His wife is accepting of his underwear collection, and his children see it as normal. Rob encourages other straight guys to embrace underwear and shares the confidence boost it provides.


  • Many straight guys are hesitant to embrace underwear due to fear of judgment, but there is a supportive community out there.
  • Starting with affordable brands and gradually exploring different styles and prints is a common journey for many underwear enthusiasts.
  • Overcoming the fear of buying underwear in person is liberating and allows for a more personalized shopping experience.
  • Underwear can boost confidence and provide a sense of self-expression, regardless of sexual orientation.

Rob is not on social media forward me any messages for him

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