And the winner is… AUSSIEBUM!
That’s right friends, you voted and with 48% of the vote my 300th pair of underwear is AussieBum. I can’t thank you all enough for helping to make this decision. It was quite fun to allow someone else make the choice. I am not at all disappointed with the choice from AussieBum either. Once the votes were calculated my only job was to choose the pair I wanted from the website. I actually let my boyfriend make the choice. He chose the “LineUp” Black Brief. This style features an oversized waistband with the logo randomly written throughout. The overall design of this pair is simply fun to wear. My boyfriend had no complaints either.
Since adding this pair to my collection I have added an additional 22 pair. I am now proudly boasting a collection of 322 pair and always growing. It is hard not to keep adding more when the deals and clearance sales run rampant throughout the internet. Each time I get an email from I have the fight off the urge to buy, buy, buy. Truth be told I’m running out of space in my drawer of underwear. I am currently trying to figure out where to stash more pairs.
I know I’ll continue to add to my collection and I encourage all to do the same. With each new design or style that the designers put is our opportunity to keep our collection current and fun. Let’s face it…our love underwear centers on fun, for us and our partners. Thank you again for helping to make the 300th choice.