
Happy Socks


Remember that time, maybe not too long ago, when you thought buying nice underwear wasn’t worth it? Now that you’ve tried the good stuff, you’ll never go back, right?

That’s how I felt about socks maybe six months ago. Since then, my attitude has totally changed, just like it did about underwear about six years ago. And I think after you take the plunge, you’ll feel the same way.

So you’re probably wondering, what brand changed my attitude? The answer is Happy Socks. I had just finished working a freelance job, heard a rave review from a friend and figured I’d give the brand a whirl since I had a little bit of extra cash. I feel in love instantly. I work in a fairly conservative office environment, and I’ve found that I can use socks like these to add a touch of color and fun to the everyday drab. The images below two of my favorites–the stripe half and optic designs.

half-stripe  optic

Designed in Sweden and manufactured in Turkey, Happy Socks offer the best comfort out there in addition to their cute, fun style. The brand prides itself on quality above all else, and I’ve found their claims to be true. I love the pairs that I have, and since I’m wearing them all the time, I’m washing them all the time. Despite that fact, I haven’t had any problems with shrinking or fading.

If the $12 a piece price tag makes you a cringe you a bit, have no fear. Of the five or so pairs I currently own, I’ve only a bought a few straight from the manufacturer. I’ve regularly seen the brand on eBay and on flash sale sites like at steep discounts. Check them out!