First, the discount code. Between now and Wednesday, January 23rd, use discount code “jockingit” for 10% off your order at Jockstrap Central.
Secondly, just arrived: Male Power is showing their two sides with this latest launch. You’ve got the serious and sexy Black Cobra Jock but on the flip side, you’ve got the mesh plaid School Boy Jocks for a bit of sexy fun. Here’s the details:
On a hot date? Be sure you’re wearing something seriously sexy like the Black Cobra Jock so when you’re ready to shed your skin, you’re sure to impress.
Leave it to Male Power to find a lush soft fabric that resembles black snake skin on the outside yet is even softer on the inside. Typical for Male Power, the pouch is not only stretchy but with ample room for those who need a little bit more.
Another sharp jockstrap from Male Power with a subtle but sexy twist. It’s a pouch with a sexy plaid fabric, a throwback to your private school days. Of course this is Male Power, so the plaid fabric is actually see-through but because of the pattern, it’s subtly sheer but will certainly inspire a closer inspection – always a good thing.
Unlike the Cobra Jock above, this pouch doesn’t have a lot of stretch, but as with most Male Power pouches, this one is contoured and roomy so can handle most guy’s goods.
Be sure to check out Jockstrap Central‘s models Adam Stray and newcomer Amon in the new Male Power gear and use the discount code above to pick up a few jocks for yourself