UNB Model Profile featuring Jacob Ford


Andrew Christian supports a lot of great models and when I saw fresh faced southern boy Jacob Ford he quickly shot high up on my list of models I needed to interview.  This genuine man sits down to talk to us about his fun moments with Andrew Christian, work he has done and how he hopes to use his fame and good name to help others one day.

UNB Kyle:  It is so great to have the chance to talk with you.  Tell me about how your first modeling gig and how you got started with Andrew Christian?

IMG_0296Jacob:  My first modeling gig came from Andrew Christian actually! Back in September of 2014. I managed to get a test shoot through a promotion on their Facebook page. They posted an email address to send in photos and I did it! They posted the pictures along with a few other guys and within 12 hrs I had accrued over 30k likes, destroying the competition in all honesty!!! They called me the #truefanspick.

Kyle:  I can see why.  Beautiful face, great look, and wears the underwear very well.  It’s also nice that all of the underwear lovers were choosing you to showcase such a fun brand.  What made you want to pursue modeling?

Jacob:  It was always something I had wondered about but never knew how to get into it. I started frequenting LA and meeting people, photographers, and other models, things like that. I started making friends with people in the industry, guys like Murray Swanby and Colby Melvin. It all really started to fall into place after that.

Kyle:  You put yourself out there, showed ambition, and met the right people.  Drive will get you far in your career.  Which shoot do you consider your breakthrough in your career?

Jacob:  I would say the “breakthrough” shoot for me was the Launch of the AC Blow brand. The first video and photo shoots we did for BLOW was huge! Revolutionary really!  Andrew was breaking the underwear mold once again! But the blow pictures were everywhere, and I was blessed to be one of the poster boys. I was in ads all over the Internet, banners, and pop ups on cell phone apps.  My face was everywhere!

Kyle:  I can imagine the feeling of seeing those pictures everywhere.  It must make you feel like you have arrived and your drive paid off.  Do you have a favorite shoot you have done?

Jacob:  I think my favorite shoot honestly was just something we did goofing off at the studio. Nick Jonas had just 11045358_813121278736029_6104704943184387347_nremade The iconic Calvin Klein ad that Mark Wahlberg made famous in the 90s. So of course I wanted to do an Andrew Christian style remake of the photos! It didn’t blow up or anything like that but I had a lot of fun doing it!

Kyle:  It is a picture that is iconic and regardless of how many people see it, there is always a personal pleasure with recreating such well known poses.  What shoot did you find to be more challenging than the others?

Jacob:  I recently did a water balloon challenge with Ryan Rose! It was so cold outside and we were soaked! Not to mention I lost the challenge!!

Kyle:  Yes I think people don’t always realize that these beautiful outdoor shoots aren’t always done on 90 degree days!  I have seen the video.  It was close and you put up a good fight!  Now we want to know because you have to have one, most embarrassing photo shoot situation?

Jacob:  Any situation where I have to dance! Ask any other AC Model, if I have to dance it’s going to be a long day! I have absolutely zero rhythm!

Kyle:  I am sure southern boy has some moves!  There always seems to be some hip shaking in those videos.  Time to get in the studio and practice!  Are there any brands or photographers you would like to work with that you have not worked with yet?

image11 (1)Jacob:  I would love to shoot with Mark Henderson eventually, and Id like to do a NOH8 photoshoot as well. I always enjoy the AC shoots, but I have many friends that I enjoy working with as well, guys like Jason King, Shaun Vadella, and Paul Boulon. As far as brands, I’m not really picky if I like the products I’d gladly work with them! I’m really into Tatteeboy as of late though!

Kyle:  I love your shoots with Shaun Vadella and I would love to see you do NOH8.  Those are some of my favorite pics and would love to see your pic with them!  We know a little bit about you through your work with AC and on social media but what else can you tell us about Jacob Ford outside of modeling?  

Jacob:  My passion and goals are to help people. I would love to get involved with LBGT Activism on a larger scale. I have aspirations of possibly releasing my own brand someday something along the lines of NOH8, well the same message anyway!

Kyle:  It is wonderful that you are keen on helping people.  So humble and a great way to use your status and 10455128_760150970699727_7140168290330264133_ncontacts for good.  Your body looks great!  What kind of diet and exercise do you do to keep that body in check?

Jacob:  Diet is easy.  I don’t portion meals or anything like that but I try to eat clean. That means no junk food, candy, chips, soda, you know things like that! Just get your protein in and watch the carb intake.  Don’t over do it and it’s all good! As far as workouts go, I wrestled growing up for about 10-11 yrs and because of that most of my workouts are based off of the stuff I’ve always done. I use the BFS (bigger faster stronger) system, isolate body parts, and always get in my cardio, at least a mile per day!

Kyle:  Great advice and I love how you have incorporated things you have done all your life.  But when you really want something bad, what is your favorite cheat meal?

Jacob:  Hot wings! The hotter the better!  I think my record is 3 lbs in one setting, and not boneless either. I’m a real man!!  But I also have a real weakness for Red Velvet cake, I call it “almost chocolate”

Kyle:  Wow that is quite a helping of hot wings!  And I love red velvet too.  So we have seen you in lots of great varieties of underwear.  On the personal side, looking at your underwear drawer, what is it made up of? % boxer briefs, % briefs, % jocks, % thongs.

Jacob:  *cough* Drawers! I have a lot!!! Id say briefs and jocks make up the biggest percentage maybe 70% followed 9680-1_1by 20% boxer briefs, and 10% thongs… We are literally talking about hundreds of pairs!

Kyle:  Wonderful!  What a collection!  You need to model them all for us!  In all of that, what is the craziest pair of underwear you have ever worn?

Jacob:  That’s easy! The Andrew Christian Blow Spider Jock!

Kyle:  Yes, I have not worn that pair but looks like quite a tangled web of fun though.  What goes through your mind right before you have to do these revealing shoots?

Jacob:  “Do I look fat? Really guys! Am I fat today?!?” Im my biggest critic!

Kyle:  Well, take it from us, you look amazing!  What are your goals for your career?

Jacob:  Who really knows what modeling will hold for me in the future.  It’s hard to say. As I said earlier though, I want to help the cause.  If I’m going to gain fame at all from this experience, I want to use that fame and notoriety for the greater good! I want to make a difference in this crazy world.

Kyle:  That shows a lot about your character.  I am pleased to hear you say that.  Such a good man with such a great heart!  Finally, for others out there who look up to you as a model they want to be like, what is the best advice anyone gave you when you started your modeling career?

Jacob:  Above all else, take care of yourself and don’t become one of “those” guys. What I mean by that is, don’t forget the things that matter most, friends and family. When the looks fade and your star doesn’t shine as bright, they’ll still be there!  And PLEASE! be humble, we are all capable of the same greatness. At the end end of the day however, none of us are curing cancer, we’re just in our underwear.

Check out more of Jacob Ford below.

Jacob Ford Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Andrew Christian Profile

Watch Jacob Ford leave little to the imagination in the Fling Brief

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Interested in having your model profile featured on Underwear News Briefs?  Email me at kyle@underwearnewsbriefs.com



Assistant Editor for Underwear News Briefs. Favoring the skimpier underwear with briefs, jocks, and thongs. Enjoy engaging underwear fans and readers throughout.

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