Ok, I’ll admit it I’m somewhat of a penny pincher. A little less so when it comes to underwear than other things, but I watch and wait for deals. Since getting married and having kids, I’ve had to cut down on my underwear spending. Nowadays I try to get the most bang for my buck. One thing I follow pretty strictly is not to pay more than $12 a pair though I do have a splurge rule. The rule is that if it is a pair I really want and it is on sale for a great price then I can consider it. Let’s move on to some of my methods to try and keep my spending under control.
First, there are some brands of underwear out there that do sell pairs under $12. No, it isn’t just Hanes or Fruit of the Loom. I do however still wait for sales on them. You probably don’t buy a car or television at the first place you look, so why do that with your underwear? Yes, you’re not spending as much money as on those big ticket items. But you sometimes can save a couple dollars on a pair. That’s a couple dollars towards another pair. Also with comparison shopping. You’ll start to learn how brand and retailer pricing compares to each other. This will come in handy with my main way to try to get some savings.
Another way to save some money is to check out the sale and clearance section. These items are most likely discontinued styles or colors. But good savings if they still have your size. Another thing to watch is shipping rates. These vary from place to place and free shipping isn’t always the best place to buy. A lot of times that is built into the price anyhow. So when comparison shopping make sure you factor in shipping.
Now if you do all the above work, you should have a good idea of some good places to shop for some underwear. The next step to even more savings is signing up for retailer and brand emails. Also, you can follow them on social media sites. Don’t stop there. Take time watching what comes into your inbox and social media feed from them before jumping on the deal. Over time you can learn what kind of deals they offer and which ones are their best ones. Once you know their best ones then you’ll know the times to buy.
What money saving tips do you use when shopping for underwear? Comment and let us know.