I”m wondering if you guys have this same issue. When I pack to go on a trip, either work or vacation, I always pack about twice as many pairs of underwear than I would ever need. For example if i go out of town for 5 days I always pack 10-15 pairs of underwear because you never know!

When I start packing, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t overpack as I used too. Back in the day, I would take way more than I would ever need. It was ridiculous. After a few trips with small carry-ons for a week trip. I learned how to pack with just enough. Now I add maybe one or two extra shirts but that’s about it.

Then we get to underwear; everything goes out the window. I try to pack pairs I love to wear. That leads to “oh I love this pair too.” and this one and this one. Well, I may want to wear this one too. By the time I’m done I have more undies than anything else. This kinda happens with swimwear but not as bad. I only pack 3-4 swim briefs.

An example, this trip to Magic/Project I was gone from Wednesday Night till Monday. This is for five days, but I had 12 pairs of underwear. I included underwear for cold, which Vegas was, and some just in case the weather warmed up. I also pack for activities and just in cases. Just in case I go out or for walking/cardio.

Who else does this? Do you over pack undies or everything? The only good thing is that undies take up very little space in a suitcase. Do any of your partners give you grief on packing?


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years


  1. I always pack a few extra pair. My usual rule of thumb is ( 2 x days of travel ) + 2 or 3. I usually hit the hotel gym, so one jock is worn there. Then another pair the rest of the day. The extra is for when you have evening plans on the 2 shower days. Since I mainly wear jocks, there’s not much space taken up, so I tend to justify the number of pairs.

  2. I always pack extra too, usually about 2 per day and depending on the trip I try to buy some new underwear to bring. Always a good excuse to buy new underwear

  3. This is so me! I travel a lot and I always have just enough clothes but I have underwear packed for like a week, even though I am gone for 4-5 days max at a time. I might have 2 pairs of pants, 2-3 shirts (button up, pullover and T), workout wear and 8-12 pairs of underwear. I always wonder what TSA thinks when scanning my bag seeing thongs, jocks, briers and trunks and yes, I have all of these every time!

  4. bikiniboyca (Blake) Reply

    We are all addicts! Like most of you, I pack at least 2x the underwear then needed. I take that back, I pack 4x the underwear at least. When I traveled exclusively for work, I had 2 hard suitcases with me. 1 for work/casual clothes and 1 for my socks and undergear. Even if I was going for only a week I would pack 40+ pairs of undergear. You never know what or who you might meet up with and have to look your best!

  5. I do the same as well. Sometimes, I leave the unworn underwear in my bags from an previous trips. Often, I forget about the left over underwear and pack more. So…I usually end up with 3 to 4 more pairs than needed.

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