In a world of thongs, it sometimes seems the jockstrap is left out of the underwear world. However, the jockstrap is a mainstay of the men’s underwear world. Other pairs may gain popularity, but there will always be jock guys out there. I thought it would be cool to list three jocks that I really like and share those with you.
First, I think I’m like many guys out there; jocks were the first time growing up we wore something different. Jocks to me were so sexy. There was this pouch with no back. And it was socially acceptable for a guy to wear, well, when you were participating in sports. These were pre-internet days, and getting sexy underwear wasn’t as easy. Seeing a guy in a jock back then was like seeing a guy in a thong in the locker room today. To wrap up, I would say that a jock for most guys back in the day was one of the first pairs we sexualized and felt sexy wearing.
Ok, on to the three jocks that I really like. Just a note that these pairs aren’t the only jocks I love but three that really stand out to me. I have in my collection and have worn each of these over the years.
Bike #10 Jockstrap

This is the classic jock I grew up on and loved. It is a traditional jock with a 3-inch waistband, 1-inch leg straps, and a mesh-like pouch. It is what many sports require while growing up for guys to wear. Even professional sportswear this type of jock. Bike sadly left us a few years ago but luckily returned and brought back this classic jock. The #10 jock is iconic in the world of underwear.
Get the #10 Jockstrap from Bike
Cocksox Jock

It’s no secret that I LOVE Cocksox bikinis. The pouch they make feels amazing and is one of the best on the market. It wasn’t till about ten years ago that I got to try a jock from them, and I was blown away. The BIke #10 is a classic, but Cocksox took the classic look and updated it for a modern guy. They used new fabrics and construction to create one of the most comfortable jocks on the market.
The best innovation Cocksox did to the jock was put their incredible pouch on the jock. The lift and support send this to my top spot in the jock category. Everything bout this pair is super comfortable, from the waistband, leg straps, and pouch.
Papi Cotton Jocks

The last may throw some of you, going, Papi? Yes, Papi! I tried these in 2012ish when I went to Vegas in the summer. I needed underwear that was comfy and also breathable. I thought these would be good. However, I was impressed by how well they performed during my visit. Especially since they are 100% cotton. I’m not a big 100% cotton guy, but these fit well, didn’t lose their shape, and did a great job keeping me cool and not retaining moisture. Another key feature I liked is it’s a lower profile jock as well. The waistband is a regular band and didn’t show over jeans and shorts. Granted, there is a time and place for everything but, I didn’t want to show off my underwear this day. The last thing about these is you can find a pack of three for $20 and sometimes on sale for less.
Honorable mentions
Some brands have jocks I love and would have put on there, but they either no longer make them or have become tough to find. First is Ergowear. I have a jock from them featuring, I believe, the Max pouch, and it’s amazing. However, when you look at their recent collections, the jocks have been removed. I hope they bring them back at some point. They have several pouch designs that are amazing with the jock design.
Next is one for sports. UnderArmour used to make a spandex jock that, on itself, was just an OK jock. The secret to this jock was that it had a cup pocket, and when you wore it with a cup, it was amazing how it fits. Most cup jocks are not the stretchiest material; this allows you to fit your junk in the jock and the cup to fit your body. It came in black and white. But sadly, they discontinued this jock.