Now we get to the meat of the survey. We will delve into what you spend and what you wear. I decided to use my art in the presentation, and Finding the perfect picture is not easy at times, so I hope you enjoy these slides.

We are always curious whether you buy at regular price, on sale, or both; as I expected, you guys buy a mix of sale and reg price. I am going to post what brands you guys buy at regular prices, but I haven’t found a word cloud creator that makes ones that will not put “N2N Bodywear” as “N2N” and “Bodywear.”

How much do you guys spend on a pair of underwear? We all have our sweet spot; while we hope to get it cheaper, we all know men’s underwear is not cheap. Most of you will spend $20-25 on a pair of underwear. You can get some great brands at that price point. The second price point that you guys like is $15-20, which still has a lot of great brands at this price point.

The first time I asked what your favorite style is, I forgot to make it so you can choose just one! But now we have it, so we want to know your favorite style overall. I know it’s shocking that the Thong tops the list this year. Thongs have been growing more and more. The second is my favorite, the Bikini Brief, followed by the Brief as the third. One that got no votes is the Jocks Brief. We will be taking that style off the next survey unless it picks up steam this year.
Now we break it down into individual styles.

THONGS – As you can see from Sometimes to Always wear, about 60% of you guys wear thongs. Not daily, but pretty often. No wonder the Thong is the favorite!

JOCKS – I have to say that Jocks have lost some steam over the last few years. Back in 2009, jocks exploded, and everyone had multiple styles of jocks, from classics to fashion to erotic. I don’t think this is in any way the demise of the jock; it will always have its fans, but it’s fashion, and we’ll see it rise again!

Briefs – Briefs are the third most popular in the favorite style. It’s only slightly lower than Thongs. We all have some great briefs in our collection that fit great. We want something that gives good support, and the top three do just that.

BIKINIS – I thought this slide was wrong but notice the Always wear and Most always wear are two of the highest in the survey. You guys love bikinis. I love them, and they have always been my choice. I think we are going to see Bikinis grow more and more over the next few years. Not just with us underwear lovers but also the general public.

BOXER BRIEFS – Show of hands who’s surprised. Almost a majority of you guys never wear boxer briefs. I occasionally wear them, but they are similar to those in the picture. Very tight and almost like bike shorts with a pouch. If you give me the ones in the big box store, I’d instead go without, and it seems you guys do go without this style.

TRUNKS – again not much to say here that I didn’t say above.

JOCK BRIEFS – Over 50% of you guys don’t wear this style, and it received no votes in our “favorite style.” I think this means we will retire this style from our survey; unless there is some significant Jock Brief renaissance, it won’t return.
I hope you enjoy these results! We have a ton more coming. I’m trying to get this done. I have almost all the questions tabulated, and I have to get the drawing!