It should come as no surprise but the majority of our readers come from the US. However, We have very strong Europe and Canadian readers. I was hoping for more of a wide appeal of countries but maybe next year.

One of the most important questions we have is how big is your underwear collection. Well, I”m definitely an outlier but most guys have 21-70 pairs. I know we all want very large collections but it’s very costly! I am working on compiling all our surveys together to see the trends over time to see if this number has gone up or down. But if memory serves me correctly, this is about what we had in previous years.

How often do you guys buy undies? With the current economy and such it’s no surprise that most buy every few months. I think that this number has gone up slightly but most guys have been in the past month or every few months. Very few buy weekly,

These are some of the results. I hoped to have more done but I”m tabulating and creating the images as I go. By this weekend I hope to have most of the spreadsheet done and the images mostly done! Stay tuned to more


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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