


The only expression my mind can muster at the start of this article is…. Hallelujah! It only took 145 years for Jockey to understand that adult men’s underwear should fit adult men instead of 12-year-old boys. Additionally, adult men should not have to create pouches in their briefs over time by stretching them. I know there are plenty of pictures circling the internet of men with large endowments wearing regular Jockey white briefs and looking comfortable. To each his own, we tend to say. Where they can flop it over to the side and carry on with their day, many other men are more comfortable with their junk pointed downward and held tightly to their bodies with a material death grip.

We can now offer thanks to the designers at Jockey for introducing us to the Jockey® Chafe Proof Pouch Cotton Stretch 5” Boxer Brief. It’s billed as having a chafe proof pouch that’s “ergonomically engineered to wrap around and under your anatomy.” Trust that we at Underwear News Briefs know that this is not a new design. Other companies in the underwear game have been making a killing off this design for years already. It is, however, quite exciting that a mainstream underwear company like Jockey has realized this was needed. We’ve seen this kind of marketing from Hanes as the Total Support Pouch. They’ve marketed breathable material in the crotch, and they’ve marketed underwear that would stay in place and not bunch, but this is a different game. 

I’m happy that Jockey has designed underwear for men who don’t feel like paying $20 or more for a single pair. Granted, on the Jockey website, they are listed for $18, but with their almost consecutive sales events, you won’t be spending that much. I have bought two pairs already. The first pair was $18, but the sale price was added to shipping and taxes. As I write this, the latest pair that was just shipped from the warehouse was only $13. My first pair was red and black, and the second pair was a collage of colors offered in black, navy blue, and gray.

I wore these all day and couldn’t have been happier with the fit. The material hugged my thighs without moving during sitting or walking. The pouch hugged my junk with the care of a cloud while offering it a roomy area to breathe. Just the right amount of material was placed in the pouch to allow a material bucket to relax. 

I haven’t been able to wear my pouch briefs since gaining weight over the years. I’ve missed the opportunities to stand and wiggle the pouch playfully. I’ve had to wear boxer briefs to keep the fiery pits of hell from forming between my thighs. Jockey has now given me back the playfulness and the comfort I’ve been missing. My scoring of this underwear undoubtedly has to be “10s…10s…10s across the board.” If I could shake the person’s hand that designed these for Jockey, I would with the giddiness of a schoolgirl while offering a view of the pouch realness they created.

Unknown-19The pair for today’s UndiesMonday is one many of you great up on. It’s a classic that had been hard to find in the last few years. That pair is the Jockey Elance Bikinis. Right now I can see many faces of our readers light up. Elance was the first bikini many out there bought. It brings back very good memories growing up and discovering undies. If you don’t know about the pair, well we think you need to check it out.

The Elance brand has been around since the 70’s. Many of you out there may remember MLB Pitcher Jim Palmer wearing these in the pages of People magazine in the 80’s. When you talk to any guy who grew up in that time period and mention Jim Palmer, most say he was the reason they had to buy them. You maybe asking why? Because here was this all American guy in skimpy undies. It just wasn’t done in the day. And we all had to have a pair!

This maybe a lot of set up for a pair but what makes you feel more amazing then revisiting a pair you used to have years ago. It’s very rare to be able to relive your past in underwear. Things change so fast, when you get  favorite pair it can be gone in the matter of months. I don’t even think I have any more of these.

So what makes them so special? Are they revolutionary? Have an amazing design? I would say no to all them. They are actually quite basic. A true bikini cut with no defined pouch and made out of 100% cotton. The relaunched line is amiable in a series of solid colors including one of all white. Gone are the stripes they had in the 80’s.

If you want to relive a pair from you past then this is it. They are available 3 for $19.99 at the Jockey site. Something tells me they aren’t in the tubes they used to come in!


86555957c18dd6e49f692ed937da40dcRecently, I posted an amazing Calvin Klein ad from the ‘80s on Twitter and asked the question “Should we bring back ads like this?”

Recently, I tweeted an amazing Calvin Klein ad from the 80’s and asked the question “Should we bring back ads like this?” That prompted a great conversation with one of our followers about Jim Palmer and other ads from the 70’s and 80’s. The funny thing is the follower is 25, so he wasn’t even born when many of the ads ran, but had a big appreciation for the ads.

Looking back at ads of that time, they featured sports stars of the day. The biggest and most well- known was Jim Palmer of the Baltimore Orioles. He graced the pages of People magazine wearing just a pair of Jockey Elance and a smile! Do you think you would see Derek Jeter in underwear ads these days? Nope! Very few American athletes endorse underwear. In European countries and Australia, for example, athletes like Ben Cohen and Cristiano Ronaldo are not only modeling in and endorsing underwear lines but also creating their own.

Earlier this week, I checked on my storage unit – seems like my entire life is kept there these days – and noticed a box was collapsing. While reorganizing the boxes, I discovered a plastic notebook containing my underwear ads and decided to bring them home. I’ve been thinking of framing them, rather than storing them in a binder.

These recent events made me think. Are underwear ads art?

I loved that the 70’s ads were more staged like a guy preparing for his day, getting dressed or shaving. This was the start of the sports starts dropping their trousers and showing underwear. Jockey had the best underwear ads out there. Some may think, “Jockey? Really?” But yes, they brought color and bikini cuts to the men’s underwear world, breaking away from the traditional “tighty whities”. The ads definitely showed off the difference in their underwear, but still looked like classic ads.

The 80’s brought us the Calvin Klein ad (see main image) with the model in white briefs against the white wall. This definitely looked much more like a work of art than an ad. These ads were noticed throughout the fashion industry and the public. They sparked stories in mainstream media, on shows such as Entertainment Tonight, and other outlets. CK produced other ads (one where the same model is taking off his shirt), but none received the same attention. This iconic ad prompted other underwear companies to produce more artistic ads.


Calvin Klein continued to dominate the market with their ads in the ‘90s, not only for the underwear but also for the models selected. One of the first, and most notorious, was Mark Wahlberg. Marky Mark, at the time, was all over billboards in Times Square in the popular black and white CK ads. He posted in his underwear when few would even talk about men’s underwear. (I believe these ads sparked the boxer brief craze that is still alive today.)

The next decade saw a change in men’s underwear ads. Print publications were losing circulation – mainstream magazines didn’t include many ads, but gay magazines continued. The ads were getting more expensive with less return. So what did the brands do? They turned to the internet, getting their images out to a wider audience. The brands started producing amazing pics of their underwear.

Like many others, the online pictures caught my eye and were the main reason I discovered many new brands, like Cocksox. I saw the first pictures of Earl Sandor modeling the red CX01, and knew I needed a pair right then! Gone were the days of basic product shots. We wanted to see more lifestyle pictures, rather than close-up shots.

Other brands have begun making some great ads as well…

C-IN2 produced the series “Jail”, which was very provocative and ahead of its time. It told a story rather than just show off the underwear. After a few years, they followed with another series (shot by photographer Rick Day – see the pic at the bottom) titled “Parole”. C-IN2 accompanied their photo work with videos on YouTube. The used the stories from the photos and videos to create advertising campaigns. This brand continues to produce some of those most creative ads in the world of underwear in recent years.

When 2EROS first came on the market in 2007-2008, they had amazing retro-inspired pictures that went along with the great background and glasses for their Victory line. Each collection since has added more and more amazing pictures. They use backgrounds, such as beaches, to show off their underwear and swimwear. The current collections feature model Ryan Greasley (shot by Simon Le). They don’t create a story behind their lines, like C-IN2, but consistently deliver great pictures.

Underwear Nation has turned underwear advertising into an art form. They aren’t a brand, but a retailer. Each month they profile a different pair for the Underwear of the Month Club and create a campaign around it. Their photographer, Jerrad Matthew, has done some of the hottest work in men’s underwear. The locker room campaign for the Timoteo Varsity series stands out most. In it, model Justin Leonard wears the blue and white underwear against a backdrop of a red locker room, allowing the underwear to really stand out. They create a new campaign for each month’s pair. Club subscribers get a post card featuring that month’s ad along with the underwear. (I’ve told them they need to create posters of the amazing pictures!)

There are so many other companies that I wish I could cover here, but that would be a super long post. We at Underwear News Briefs will continue to discuss and showcase the brands’ photography. We all love the amazing pictures, but we’re not knocking any brands not mentioned. Photography is one of the most expensive things about men’s underwear (I know from experience shooting our guides!), and not every brand has that amount of time and money. We want to spotlight some that are doing it right and creating images that could easily be hung on the wall as art.
I’ve profiled just a few that stick out in my head, but there are tons more out there doing amazing work! Future featured brands include: Modus Vivendi, aussieBum, Marcuse, and Teamm8.

What brands do you think make works of art with their pictures and ads?

I consider myself a pretty active guy: I swim, run, bike, and I like play tennis and volleyball as well. I’m also an avid sports fan: I enjoy watching my favorite EPL (English Premier League) teams take the pitch on Saturday morning, or catching a clutch college football (American) game with a friend on the weekend.

So, when the issue of underwear for workouts was posed to the blog’s editorial staff, I quickly volunteered to submit a piece, because I take cues both from my own athletic experiences and what I see in media in terms of what professional athletes wear under their uniforms.

Before I delve into my recommendations, I have to say that I abhor compression shorts. I don’t get why they are necessary outside of letting the major sports labels market yet another garment that they can make a quick coin on. Another thought on the issue: why would you want to compress anything down there?

I’ve instead taken a cue of what to wear from our friends across the Atlantic, where briefs are still worn proudly under shorts across the continent. Watch any sport that involves Spaniards, Italians, Poles, Russians, or any European for that matter, and you’ll probably catch a briefline, if not a full brief sighting. What you’ll see is a low rise brief or bikini, typically in white but sometimes black (or even a color to match the team uniform).

With that reference in mind, here are my recommendations for some great white briefs to wear under your gym apparel. I’ve drawn inspiration from some of my favorite tennis and soccer players.


The unlined front and seaming at the sides make the Jockey Elance bikini different from a lot of its peers. Hopefully you’ll be luckier than Nicklas Helenius and not get pantsed during a strike at goal.


These Calvin Klein Tech Active sports briefs are motto bene. I’m sure Italian tennis stud, Fabio Fognini, would agree with my assessment since he wears these under his tennis kit too.


What a joy it is when you combine the minimal cut of this Calvin Klein bikini with the soft and sumptuous modal fabric. Joe Cole would agree that bikinis are the way to go, especially when you are in the midst of a sweaty workout.

So that’s my recommendations for what to wear under your workout gear, whether you’re a professional or amateur athlete.


This is going to be an unusual review for two reasons: 1) it’s the first review I’ve ever written (for anything… ever), and 2) the review concerns a pair of underwear that is more likely to be found at a Target than from the specialty retailers online.  So bear with me.  Hopefully Tim and the gang won’t beat me up and take my lunch money on my first day.

I’ll start with the facts.  The pair I’m reviewing is the Jockey “Cuffed Trunk” (insert party favor noise here).  There is nothing exotic about these.  It’s everything you would expect from a trunk style boxer brief in terms of cut, fit, and materials.  Jockey offers this pair in three colors; hibiscus, olive, and blue indigo.  The material is a blend; 48% cotton/48% modal/ 4% spandex.

To test these out I wore them to work.  My job straddles the fence between white collar and blue collar.  I spend about half of my day pointing and clicking but the rest is usually spent outdoors wearing coveralls and a hard hat.  Being on my feet and performing physical tasks puts all of my clothes through a proverbial gauntlet (hence the coveralls).  So finding a comfortable pair of underwear that can hold up over 12 hours is like finding a unicorn.

Sizing of this pair is consistent with domestic (U.S.) size charts.  My waist is roughly 32″ but depending on the brand of underwear I wear either a small or a medium.  In this case I chose small and it worked just fine.  It was very comfortable, not too snug at all.  I think their choice of materials is partially responsible.  The cotton/modal blend is very soft, but strikes a good balance between comfort and support.

The thing that most impressed me about this pair was that it looked and felt really good over the entire workday.  It’s very common that a pair of underwear will accomplish only one of these.  Either it will be very comfortable but look like a train wreck by the end of the day, or it will look great but feel awful after a few hours.  Let me tell you how much I enjoy having to adjust my underwear at a work site (insert sound of crickets here).

This pair remained stable over my entire workday.  By ‘stable’ I mean that it did not droop, sag, or wander into places it shouldn’t have.  As far as the pair looking good, I am going mostly by the feedback from my fiance.  She really enjoys seeing me in these as her loiter time in the bathroom while I shave has increased by roughly 800%.  Jockey has chosen some colors and contrast stitching that are just far enough from mainstream to make them visually appealing without being flamboyant.  I picture the scenario in which I have a job-related accident and have to be resuscitated by EMTs.  Do I want my co-workers to see me wearing a pink thong while being defibrillated?  Not really.  But not worry, these will send the message that you’re a man dammit… but you might listen to Annie Lennox occasionally.

As far as drawbacks, it’s hard to pick apart a pair that I enjoy as much as these.  I am, however, going to knock them down a notch by mentioning that the construction of this pair is roughly equivalent to any other chain store bought pair of underwear. They’re fine, but not great.  I fully expect that sometime in the next few months the first visible frayed end of a seam or waistband elastic will rear its ugly head.

I MUST mention here that I bought this pair at the price of 2 for $12 from the Jockey website.  I’ve owned enough ‘fancy’ underwear to know that other brands who shall remain nameless would easily charge double for an equivalent pair.

To sum things up:


  • Very comfortable material and level of support
  • ‘dimensionally stable’ even with moderate physical activity
  • Your significant other will suddenly look at you as if you’re the guy from those ‘Old Spice’ commercials
  • For what you get, these are dirt cheap


  • Don’t expect these to hold up forever.  Mass produced just like most of our clothes.


  • Daily Fit         8
  • Sizing         8
  • Construction/Materials         7
  • Styling         10
  • Daily Performance         9
  • Overall         8.4

Find these at the Jockey Site.

Note: Gabe is one of the newest writer/reviewer on the site. He will have a speedo article very soon!



One of the most controversial announcements in the world of men’s underwear was when Jockey announced Tim Tebow was going to be their spokesperson. Our Facebook  page lit up with tons of comments. Most were saying that they would never buy Jockey until he was no longer spokes person.

The Hollywood Reporter ran a post this week that Tim has refused to strip down for Jockey. That meaning he would not be photographed just in his underwear. Jockey claims that the sales since Tebow took over have increased. However, can you sell underwear without actually being photographed in the brand?

Jockey is no stranger to hiring athletes to promote their undies. The first I remember is Jim Palmer. He was a pitcher for the Baltimore Oriels in the 70’s/80’s. His ads just about always featured him in bikini briefs. Which is one of the reasons I got bikinis back in the day. He was not shy and his ads became iconic in the world of men’s underwear.

Flash forward about 30 years. Today we have two “celebrities” with their own underwear lines. They are David Beckham and Mario Lopez, both we have covered here before. Neither one has been shy to strip down. David Beckham has promoted many underwear companies. He is no stranger to being shot in just his undies.

Mario Lopez is a new comer to the world of underwear. He has promoted his brand on his show “Extra.” This coverage showed him at the photo shoot and talking about the new line. The most recent was when Ellen made him drop his pants on his show, and then Ellen stripped him down (See our post featuring the Mario/Ellen Video).

Neither of these guys is being shy about showing off their brands. This got me thinking, if you hire someone to be a spokesperson for and Underwear Company, should they be required to strip down? Should Tebow keep his endorsement? What do you think?

It is my opinion that if I hire someone to be my spokesperson, I want him to be shot in the undies. Not just talk about them and be shot in T-shirts.

Jockey Underwear celebrated 135 years in the industry with its first stunning International Catwalk show at the Hospital Club in London on Thursday 24th March 2011.

Members of Europe’s fashion elite and media were in attendance to watch the brand head back to its roots, showcasing heritage pieces from when the company began in 1876, right through to a preview of some of Jockey’s most stylish collections for A/W 2011.

EPSON scanner imageThey are in magazines and they are on billboards.  When you think about it, at one point in time, they were how we knew there were new brands or designs in the stores…at least for those that weren’t able to get to the store often.

Being back in the woods, I depended on magazine ads for updates on my fetish/interest/motivation and for whatever other purpose it served.  The coolest thing wasn’t the brands being featured, but rather the new designs being created.  It was awesome to see all the color choices.

I used to sit at my grandmother’s house and look through all the magazines she had in the living room.  Most of them were the Ladies Home Journal.  To be a women’s publication, they had a good bit of men’s underwear advertisements.

Let’s look at that last statement.  Why would a company like Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, or Jockey advertise in a woman’s magazine?  That’s because for many husbands, their wives are the ones buying the underwear.  “Go to the store and pick me up a pack of underwear, will ya?”  I can hear it now.

101810Palmer_2_597249cThere will always be the best ads that stick into your memories.  Jim Palmer has to be one of the best underwear models in my honest opinion.  I know, there have been many that some would say have been even better.  But, right now, I can’t find the one I really loved.  The guy was hairy and burly.  I dreamed that he would jump out the ad into my living room.

Either buff, hairy, skinny, or just altogether “godly”, we pay attention and we buy the product.  We are in a time now where there are professional athletes all over the place agreeing to take part in the underwear business.  Hey, there is great money in it.  I would love to get one paycheck written to David Beckham from Armani for sitting there in a pair of their briefs.  To be honest, I would love to be the pair of briefs on him, hugging him in all the right areas.

I would love to hear which underwear ads affected you the most.  Which ones got your motor running or convinced you to go purchase those briefs or boxers advertised.  The future of underwear advertising is not clear, but the stage has been set for greatness and more photographic innovation.

We reported this on the Facebook page but here’s the official announcement. The question is will he do underwear ads like Jim Palmer did back in the day? We will see..

Jockey International, Inc. today announced that pro football quarterback Tim Tebow has agreed to a multi-year contract in which Tebow will serve as a Jockey spokesperson beginning in July, 2010.

“Tim is a highly gifted athlete with a positive attitude and an admirable character,” remarked Jockey Chairman and CEO Debra S. Waller. “We at Jockey see a very bright future with Tim, and believe that he is an excellent representative for the brand. Tim is genuine, smart and driven and those qualities align well with Jockey. We look forward to building a long and collaborative relationship with him in the coming years.”

“I’m excited to represent the Jockey brand and to work with such an innovative company,” said Tebow. “I’ve long been a fan and consumer of Jockey, and think they make a quality product with a great fit. I’m looking forward to a great relationship with such a respectable company.”

Tebow will work with several of Jockey’s lines, including the Jockey® “Staycool” collection, which launches in spring 2011. Tebow will be featured in Jockey’s catalog, TV and print advertisements and on Jockey and Tebow will also collaborate on unique content for social media platforms.

Tim Tebow was a first round NFL draft pick in 2010. In college he won two national championships and was the first ever sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy. He also was a two-time winner of the Maxwell Award as the nation’s top college football player, as well as the winner of the Davey O’Brien Award as the nation’s best college quarterback, and the James E. Sullivan Award as the nation’s most outstanding amateur athlete in any sport.

Summer’s coming and so we’ve brought out a couple of new designs to celebrate. There’s a great new Pink Camo Boxer Brief for the guys and since the girls have been asking, we’ve made some girls ones too. Look out for the Black Newsprint Boxer too. So many of you have been asking, so here it is. We’ve included the Pink Camo as part of our Camo Special Offer, so you can get the Grey and the Pink for just £25.50. Log on to and check out these great new designs. Have a great weekend from all the team at Dirty Fukker Underwear.

NuWear has the brand new Rufskin. Rufskin has some really great style they have come out with. The lines are underwear, swimwear and workout/athletic wear. The athletic wear includes running tights and singlets. There is something out there for everyone with Rufskin

Ginch Gonch is giving you 15% off for mother’s day! I can think of no other way to do then buy yourself the brand new I Love Bacon Briefs/Trunks! Who said you had to give it all to your mother! I know I would buy a few things for myself as well. Just make sure to use code iloveumom at check out!

Timoteo is giving you 10% off the Warehouse sale going on now! You can save up to 80% off certain styles! You can save big, just make sure you used code addditional10 at check out!

Cityboyz Fashions has the new Clever line. They have just recieved the new styles and its the perfect time to stock up on Clever, if they are your favorite brands. Cleaver has some great designs and colors that I really love. If you are not familiar with them go check out the entire line.

Andrew Christian is having a HUGE SALE. You can save 25% off all Andrew Christian. This includes underwear, swimwear and active wear. We have reviewed some and I highly recommend the Almost Naked line. You can’t go wrong with any of those. Just use code25SITEWIDE0510

DT Clothes is giving you a buy one pair get one free sale! So if you have wanted to try DT underwear now is the time to do it. You can get some of the great styles including some great prints! Check out the line has extended their sitewide savings! You can save $10 off orders $75 or more with code spring10, $25 off orders $175 or more with code spring25 and $50 off order $275 or more with spring50. This ends tomorrow so show early!

James Tudor is at it again, giving you 20% off everything on their site. They have some really fun and great undies. We have reviewed a few of them and they have always scored high! So if you want to try them out do it now! Just make sure you use cod JTFMMC20, ends May 16th

Dead Good Undies now has the Olaf Benz Mini line that includes a brief, brazillian brief, pant and swim pant. When you buy 3 pairs of jockey you get a free beach towel. But that’s not all they have the Obviously line in stock as well and check out all the reviews on the site. We agree they are awesome, but don’t take our word try them yourself. Lastly they have new mark downs on some of your favorite styles.

UnderGear wants you to wear clean underwear on Mothers Day. They are giving you 25% off your order through May 9th. If you are going to see mom let her know you got clean underwear from UnderGear. To get the sale use momsday at check out

NuWear is giving you 25% off Andrew Christian this weekend! They have the entire AC on sale and you can get some of your favorite styles! Just go to their site and its already taken off for you!

Top Drawers has Popular Columbian designer Gigo has just shipped us a bunch of their new Hot Colours collection. Featuring super-saturated colours in hot pink, orange, blue, green, yellow and purple – these cheerful undies in low-rise stretch cotton are the perfect way to celebrate the arrival of spring! We’ve also received the some great new sheer styles from Montreal’s Gregg Homme, men’s swimsuits from Diesel, Gregg 3G and Jocko, cutting-edge new styles from N2N Bodywear and some gorgeous new styles from the fantabulous Clever collection for 2010. Were currently running a Spring Shipping Special – with most orders to North America under/up-to $150 shipping for only $9.95 and orders overseas to Europe and Aisia under/up-to $100 for $19.95! Stock-up and save until the end of May.

Give yourself “The Timoteo Boost” by wearing the new SPORT fashion underwear collection from Timoteo. Sporting any style within the super comfortable collection will “boost” your confidence in any situation by providing an “all natural lift”. This is a super low rise brief that is cut closer to a European Fit than the standard American brief… perfect for all your favorite low rise jeans and pants and sportswear. Plus the Brand New, Sporty Timoteo logo waist band. Pre-Order yours today from His Trunks and expect them to ship by 5/10/10. These jocks are available in three colors for $22.

Here are your Sales Briefs for Today!

Erogenos has the great new exist Surf Collection, which feature vibrant color combination’s in the 2xist’s signature no-show brief and trunk. They also have the new sheer Rufskin collection. They are super soft sheer fabrics with unique design element. They now have the BodyTech line as well as new Andrew Christian Swimwear.

DT Clothes is having a sale on its DT Ultra collection 09. They have the DT Underwear, The Orginal Vac-Pac Undies. Check out all the really fun designs they have out now!

Below the Belt has Ristefsky Macheda underwear for $15. The full range of Ristefsky Macheda underwear have been reduced to just $15. All sizes available at time of newsletter, a choice of 8 colours. Order now and don’t miss out!

Skiveiz has some rand new styles for spring: They include: Puma, Pikante, Andrew Christian Shock Jock, and Skiviez Boast! These are just a few of the great pairs they have at Skiviez!

NuWear is having a Private Structure sale! You can save 40% off 28 styles. Limited quantity are available so make sure you order it early! Or you will miss out on some great color combination’s!

Below the Belt has an Andrew Christian Combo offer. For $49.99 (AUS) you can get yourself this Andrew Christian Special Combo Offer. It includes 1 each of the Pro Lifeguard trunk in Black and Almost Naked Jock. Stock is limited so be quick to take advantage of this offer while available.

Save 10% off your next order at Mensuas. Use promotion code 10mar at checkout and save on all regular priced items. Sale is good on new orders placed at Mensuas and is not valid on PPU Underwear.

Audace is giving you 30-50% off selected Calvin Klein styles. The supplies are limited! If you don’t see a size you want email them! This has been a popular sale and make sure you get yours soon or they could all be gone.

Jockboy Locker is giving you $5 off your next order, Just enter code RELAUNCH at check out, but the offer ends March 12h. Right now you can save on Ginch Gonch and new items from C-IN2.

Wyzman has the new 2010 Clever Underwear Collection. Check out the entire new line. It’s a really fun and colorful collection. So if you’re big into color then you need to check out this line! It’s really amazing!

UnderGear is letting you Take $15 off your order of $75 or more or $25 off your order of $100 or more. Just make sure you use Promo Code UGA301 at check out. This offer expires March 8th.

Dead Good Undies has some great new undies. Maybe you need some of the darker side of undies and you need to check out the new 18 styles from Gregg Homme! Or maybe you want some Jockey and you buy 3 Jockey USA Concept and get a free Jockey towel. Lastly you can get some Sloggi for men, that aren’t just for basics, you can get the silky smooth Splendido Briefs and hip shorts.

Look good in C-IN2, When you spend $50 at the C-IN2U sotre you get free shipping. Canadian shipping starts at $7.05 and international at $12.95. So you can shop and get some great shipping prices.

Global Guys Gear is doing a Clearance sale. Stand clear because prices are following. Everything is 30%. Stock is limited so stay clear and use code leasesale at check out! Sale ends at Midnight March 31st!

Cocksox has a new pair out (Look this week for more details) and its the Cocksox classic with a  twist its’ red on red. Also check out the CX Active sports thong for the active guy. You can get free shipping and no code is necessary! So go check it out!

10 is giving you 20% off when you purchase three or more items. The Brands you can choose from are Baskit, Andrew Christian, Timoteo, N2N Bodywear and Rufskin. The sale ends March 9th.

Cityboyz Fashions is giving you 25% off Tribe Swimwear. Tribe Underwear and Swimwear  has quickly earned a reputation for its innovative and stylish designs. Valid through Tuesday March 9th 2010.

Deadgoodundies men’s underwear would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and our Christmas present to you this year is 20% off ANY order between the 25th & 28th December.

Just enter the coupon code of “XMAS2009” into the coupon section in your basket and it will deduct 20% off your order (ex shipping)

Coupon Terms & Conditions
1. Coupon expires midnight 28th December (GMT)
2. Coupon cannot be applied retrospectively to previous purchases
3. Santa Claus can’t use the coupon as Mrs Santa has already bought him some undies

Merry Christmas from Adam at and all the staff.


As the season of goodwill is approaching we thought it was about time we did a little something for all the ladies out there. So throughout November DGU customers will have the chance to treat their favourite lady to a gorgeous example of Jockey women’s underwear.

For a limited time only, buy any three Jockey men’s styles and we will send you a free pair of ladies knickers. Just let us know which dress size you require in the customer notes section at the checkout when you place the order – we have stock available from sizes S-XL which covers UK dress sizes 8-16.

Please note this offer runs only while stocks last, so buy soon!

The Jockey women’s range, which includes lovely knickers, thongs, camis, vests and bras, cannot be purchased from DeadGoodUndies. For more information and your nearest stockist please Jockey direct on 01625 419600.

Also while you are there check out the Ergowear, Olaf Benz and the Man Store Guywear! Ergowear if guy a pair you can get an Ergowear scarf! Then check out the new wear from Olaf Benz and Man Store

Left: C-IN2 Pop Color, Gigo Points Jockstrap, Ginch Gonch Pink Piggie, and Timoteo Pink Brief

I noticed on either Facebook or on Twitter the other day, that there seems to be a theme going around in Men’s Underwear. The color PINK! Yes that’s right I said the color pink. It used to be that pink was only for women, but not any more. Now more and more companies are putting out pink undies.


I first starting thinking about and then read in London’s Daily Mail ran an article that men are picking brighter color undies in the wake of the recession. The specific example they had was that Jockey’s Famous Y-Front pink briefs sold significantly higher then the other colors. This increase carried over to other pastel and brighter colors because men wanted something to brighten their wardrobe in these tough economic times.

The companies that have recently released pink undies are C-IN2, Timoteo, and Jockey. While other companies are using pink as accent colors, like Gigo. C-IN2 has come out with and entire1805-cashmere-pink-front line that are pink. They include many of the basic styles, briefs, boxer briefs, and tee’s. These are all the solid pink, and if you remember that last year they had a limited edition brief that was pink. But, C-IN2 doesn’t have just solid pink undies, they also have the Time Sphere pattern that is grey and pink. All with the styling of C-IN2.

Timoteo as you have seen on this blog came out with pink briefs this past month. They have rolled out a campaign to showcase the pink brief. We have featured this on out Underwear of the Week a few weeks back. Right now they just have the low brief and jockstrap in pink.

ub1003pWe asked Timoteo about the new pink colors. “Why PINK?  Well…in 2009 PINK is fashion.  PINK is soothing.  The Wall Street Journal said that all major designers were going with colors (pastels; pinks, lavenders etc) that made people comfortable in these economic times. At TIMOTEO, PINK is fashion.  PINK is sassy and best of all….PINK isn’t just for girls! We say…..”LIVE LIFE LIKE LIKE YOU MEAN IT……WEAR PINK!”.

Ginch Gonch, known for their interesting patterns. has even make some pink undies. They have used pink in their Pink Piggie style.  The back ground in the pattern is pink. But this is not the only style that they have used pink in, the Argyle pattern as well. It was one we featured on Underwear of the week! So, Ginch Gonch is one company not afraid of breaking the rules in men’s undies, and pink is a part of that!

Pink has made an appearance as an accent color as well. One of my favorite new styles is the Gigopoints_jsresized Points Jockstrap that has a pink waistband and a polka dot black and white pouch. It is just fun. Gigo in last few weeks has put out some really incredible prints. They have some that are pastel and have pink accents. They are ones that are just fun. We plan to go in more detail about them in another post.

But the love of pink isn’t new. One company that used pink a few years back was Baskit. They had a pink jockstrap that was one of their best sellers. When we talked to Baskit a while back, they said that it may make a come back someday and with all the new pink undies, maybe we will see it soon.

Not all makers are doing pink undies, but more and more are starting to use the color. It’s a fun color and something out of the ordinary. I think that’s why I like it so much. It’s not a color you would expect in men’s undies. But just like pink shirts, I think that it will catch on and more and more companies will start using it. As the Daily Mail article said, its just a fun way to brighten things up and these economic times anything that can bring some joy is a good thing.

We are curious as to what you think about pink undies. I asked on Twitter to include some feedback. Adam from Dead Good Undies said “my opinion is that blokes can also be pretty in pink 8-).” Wraith55, our Asst. editor said “they are hot and trendy. Adam at Dead Good Undies said “Pink is the new Black” the same as the title of this posting. ” John from Men’s Underwear Blog said that they are very hot and sexy. We would love for you to leave a comment about what you think about the pink undies!