
“LETS SEE REAL GUYS IN UNDERWEAR” is something we hear all the time on the blog. This was even written up in a recent New York Times Article called “Changes in the Marketing of men’s underwear”  ( They explain how guys don’t want to see models with 3% body fat and washboard stomachs, and how companies are turning to more realistic models.

This is something we have been doing for a few years. Since the advent of our guides we shoot, we have purposefully chosen models that looked a little more realistic to our readers. Yes, we have gotten negative feed back from brands and also readers. Some of the readers have been the harshest. Comments on facebook range from the polite “not my type” to not so polite “Ugly models”, “Why did you choose fat guys” and “I don’t want to see more of them”

Granted beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not every model will be for everyone. But to say guys who have a 32 waist are fat? That I don’t understand. I would say the average guy is anywhere from 32-36 waist. Our models have all been around a 32 waist. Most of them have other jobs and doing this for fun. We even recruited one of our waiters one day. I want use to continue this trend in our guides, and it has been suggested that we include a staff member in the guide, by one of our guys, who said he would be willing to do it.

We also have started to include our reviewers in review posts. Speaking for someone who’s underwear picture has been over the net, it’s a little nerve racking. I posted a selfie in a review a few months back and was super nervous. Why? Because I didn’t want to hear the “You’re fat”, “Why are you wearing that” and even worse things going through my mind. The internet can be a very cruel place when people speak from anonymity. But comments aside it take a brave person to strip down to their undies and post a pic for thousands of people to see. It’s not like sharing it with friends via a text. You are literally exposing yourself to all!

In order for us to continue showing real guys in underwear we really need your support. You are now asking, how can we do that? Comment on posts and guides we produce that have more real guys in them. Give words of encouragement. This goes not just for out blog but all bloggers out there doing this, remember it takes guts to put it all out there. Email us, if you want a bit more anonymity, we love getting emails and we will answer you back. Share the pictures on social media (Facebook, twitter and Tumblr) but make sure you tell guys where the pics are from!

Are bold enough to share yourself in undies? Submit it to the UNB Tumblr The picture in this post is form reader Dash (@DashDistraction on Twitter) submitted these to post when we asked for real readers pics! See the full pics below

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Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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