IS_ausboy_LongLeg_Black_OK_140408163429aussieBum has just released the new range AusBoy. The AusBoy range is the newest ergonomically designed underwear. First, let me say that usually aB makes really good undies and I have never had an issue with any fit. But, if they are entering this market I welcome it and feel they will hit a home run. Taking the great construction and mixing in the erognomic design how could they not win!

The first thing that catches your eye is the unique panel design. This design is made to fit a guy and how he moves in sports and in every day life. It creates a pouch  to give you support without binding or restricting motion. The pictures feature the model playing cricket, but I have found underwear made for sports is great for every day wear.

The next thing that made me take notice is the material. The AusBoy line is made out of modal. Which has become my favorite fabric in underwear. This is for two reasons. Modal is super soft and feels amazing against the skin. Second, modal is very breathable and keeps you cool. Modal has become the material companies are starting to use in underwear on a bigger scale. I hope we will see it become the dominant fabric.

Those of you who have been long time readers know I love a waistband. It’s one of the reasons I buy a  pair. The AusBoy has a new aB Waistband. I  like it it’s a bold design and available in black/red (Omega) or blue and red (Alpha). This is the only color in the pair. The body of the pairs are white.

AusBoy is available in a brief, hipster (trunk) and L-leg (boxer brief). This is one of the few times I remember aB making a longer legged boxer brief. I vaguely remember one a while back but it’s not a standard style for them. That being said with a pair designed for sports it’s a smart decision to have it in the collection. Many guys prefer this length when wearing underwear for cricket, baseball and such.

It’s always great to see aussiBum’s new pairs. They are not a company that stays in one box and does the same underwear over and over. They are a company that will take risks. The pairs are available now and the pairs cost, Brief $28, Hipster $30 and L-leg  $34. All available on the aussieBum site now

Aussiebum AusBoy BriefAussiebum AusBoy Brief Aussiebum AusBoy Brief Aussiebum AusBoy Brief Aussiebum AusBoy Hipster Aussiebum AusBoy Hipster aussibum AusBoy L-leg Boxer aussibum AusBoy L-leg Boxer aussibum AusBoy L-leg Boxer Aussiebum AusBoy Hipster Aussiebum AusBoy Hipster


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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