1619560_636118399844505_2548647321606595846_nYou may have seen the new brand called Thrust from McKillop. We got a chance to talk to Ryan and find out all about the brand. Here is the interview we did!

Can tell us about Thrust? Why create another line? How is it different form McKillop? 
Thrust was created as an alter ego to our Mckillop brand, Mckillop was created as the utmost in sophistication and with that we set up a storyline that very conservative in nature over the past 5 years we thought about what to do next, we could have simply expanded our color scheme but then our original theme would have been lost. We also felt that the path Mckillop was on couldn’t get as “Dirty” as we wanted it to because of our name. Mckillop has a lot of amazing plans for the future and we wanted to keep that name out of the bedroom per say and with Thrust we intend on being a bit more raunchy. With that being said Thrust is also quickly (and I mean very quickly – in a matter of days) is already growing into its own storyline where we believe Thrust is not only going to be attracting a tawdry audience it is also going to target the real man. After being in this industry and being shown image after image of athletic perfection there is no one showcasing a realistic viewpoint of what real men look like and it is our goal to bring this change through Thrust.

Your email you sent out said it was a year in the making, What is the philosophy for the brand?
We actually started this I think 2 years ago now, it was an idea we had when we were still in Canada. But the past year is when we really committed to it. And quite frankly we needed our design studio to be up and running in Mexico before expanding into a new and more complicated color scheme. We spent all of December creating our first phase of designs and training everyone on a completely new direction [manufacturing wise]. The philosophy simply put is to be as different as possible from Mckillop and our competitors and to speak to a new audience in the language the understand instead of trying to fulfill an ideal that really is impossible.

Who is the line made for? Do you have a specific guy in mind?
The line is made for a more rustic man that is in tune with his sexuality and is not afraid to express himself. It is also for any man that is also in tune with our idea to depart from the plastic ideal of what is means to be a man. Perfection is over rated and we are making thrust for men that know who they are and don’t need an underwear box to tell them what they need to be like to be considered a man – or a part of the gay community

10402384_636168356506176_5027904952861980627_nCan you tell us about the three different line? The Command, Conquer and Triumph 
Command is Thrusts signature collection – with just a sliver of mesh on the front it shows just enough to to turn curiosity into action. It comes in pouch, jock, brief and low boxer. Made of modal and mesh it is soft for daily wear and just the right amount of risque for the weekend.

Conquer is our modal and cotton line of everyday underwear, we have designed a Jock, Pouch, and 2 boxers in our signature colors black, white, red. Conquer takes the best cuts and fabrics and adds a little excitement with our colors.

Triumph is awesome , we have taken 2 things we love and put them together, We love the nylon fabric combination with the mesh and created a line that is daring but also leaves a little to the imagination with the solid covered pouch. We have also created 3 different pouches Grow, Show and Impress so the fit is totally customizable to your anatomy. In Triumph you will look and feel your best and no one ever needs to know what is below the waistband they will have to find out for themselves.  Triumph comes in briefs, jocks, pouches, and boxers in the 3 custom fronts.

What makes this different from other underwear on the market? 
We find that the market is oversaturated with all of the same images and styles and we feel they are only communicating to one type of person, Thrust is here to communicate a very different story to a man that has been neglected for way too long. And to get a little dirty along the way.

Where can I readers find the brand? 
Thrust is Now Open at www.Thrustmen.com – We are also opening with 2 massive deals $2.00 jocks while supplies last and 50% Off everything else until Jan 15th


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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