I had big plans to work on UNB this weekend. I have a to-do list of about 20 things to accomplish. But, passing a kidney stone followed by throwing out my back (the same day I pass the stone). Made this weekend pretty much a lay in bed and watch Netflix. This past week I felt like it was time fo some new gear. Some are going to be reviewed on UNB and some are just for me.

One thing I love is singlets. One brand I have wanted to try and may get another is Gruff Pup. He has some of the best singlets. I got two. One for me and one for a new reviewer. The two we got were the Impulse singlet and Combat singlet (with a cut out). I’m trying the camo, and a cutout singlet is new for me, I figured why not!

Next up are some clearance suits from Sluggers. I love their swimwear and they had a massive clearance sale where you get a pair of swim for $14.99 US. I got two pairs. So i”m super excited about them. Now i need a place to wear them!

Last in the group is the Skinzwear thong we profiled last week for Thong Thursday. It’s a swim thong for 20 bucks. I ordered one to give it a try. I haven’t had a swim thong in many years. Scruffy Gear blog has encouraged me as well as Bikinisnthongs. This will be a review but I don’t think I’ll have an actual swim review more of an overview.

I have the singlets the rest I”m waiting for more to come in the mail. I hope to have a few new Andrew Christian pairs as well. Stay tuned. I”m taking it easy until the back is better, It’s way better but not great!!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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