I have recently started back tweeting under the UNBTim twitter handle. It has been ignored for a few years while I worked, did the social for UNB, and now the UNB Store. But, I felt it was time to resurrect this account to talk to people. I will say it has been fun to be myself and not speak from the UNB brands.
I was having a conversation on Twitter with a few fantastic peeps and said we need to do some Twitter Chats where we talk undies. I know we have a podcast, but not every guy feels comfortable to break out the mic and talk undies. Also, the podcast is one way. You are like a person at the next table eavesdropping in on our convo. There is no way for you to join in. This leads me to ask, ” What way can talk undies and include guys in the convo? “
Twitter is the best candidate because it is the least prudish of social media sites. Guys can share pics and talk openly without having the long arm of Facebook/IG shutting us down. We are going to use #undiestalk on Twitter when we have one. Each one of these will have a theme or topic for them. I’m planning on having an hour to chat, and if it goes longer, that’s awesome.
The podcasts have energized me to talk undies. On the last podcast, I had an a-ha moment. I realized very few of you get to talk about your passion for undies. I’m not talking the hey you’re hot. But share what we like, why we like it, and what new brands we have found. If you want to join us for a Brief tale and share how you found your love of undies, let us know!
Follow UNB at @unbblog on Twitter and me @unbtim, and let’s chat.
this is awesome! i look forward to participating in the discussion. thank you for doing this.
I want to be involved too.