Are you a fan of the Brief Talk Podcast? Do you enjoy hearing so many different guys out there and want to hear more? Or do you love the blog and want to see more on the blog? If you answered yes to both, you must join our Patreon! We currently have eight supporters, but our goal is 20. We have grown two since we started our ‘pledge week.”
Why are we doing a Patreon? It’s a way for those who love what we are doing to support us. It also helps offset the costs of hosting and producing the podcast.
How do you join the UNB Patreon? That’s easy go to and join it takes a few seconds, and we have several different levels, the lowest being $1.
What benefits do I get? Well, that’s a great question. I have a few benefits listed, but the good news is I want to hear what you guys want from us as well. Maybe a Patreon-only chat via skype/zoom, underwear suggestions, or whatever else you guys can think of.
JOIN the UNB Patreon NOW!