
Jameswinston Co.



Jameswinston Co. is one of the companies that ended before we started this blog. Which makes us upset because we always thought that they were very fashion forward and had some of the most incredible advertising around. It was sexy but also focused on the prodcut. They have started a Facebook Group, Should they live or die? This is the first time I have known an underwear company, or any company to do this. I urge you to check it out and join. Here is what they sent out this week:

Dear All,
We currently have a Facebook group set called ‘Should Jameswinston Co. live or die?’ This is a little bit of fun while there are still a few avenues being explored commercially.
  1. All you need to do on Facebook is type in ‘Jameswinston Co’ in your search box (top right hand corner) and the group will come up.
  2. Then leave us your answer on our ‘wall’. It’s been great seeing faces put to names so thank you to those who have already joined!
Feel free to invite as many friends and  family to join as you wish. Should you require any specific product ranges please try :-   www.malesanctuary.co.uk or www.becheeky.com in the first instance.
Kind regards
Brian James

Please go check them out and join and leave your answer. We hope they come back soon! We wish Brian all the luck in the world.