



Underwear News Briefs Episode 4

Carlos, the UnderGear model winner joins us for a chat. He talks about what got him in the contest, how he was an unlikely winner, and how the win has affected his career.

Listen to the podcast and let us know what you think
Twitter: UNBBlog


Andrew Christian takes time out of his busy schedule to talk to us. He talks about his appearance on the new Bravo Reality show “Fashion Show” some of his great new enhancing undies and some other stuff we talk about. We hope you enjoy this podcast.

If you have feedback or suggestions for the podcast please email us at

The second podcast in the series. We talk to Brian James, one of the founders of Jameswinston, a creative and innovative underwear company that started in 2007 but closed in 2008. In this interview Brian is very candid about the company, the industry and what happened.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for podcasts email us at Check out the website

This is the first podcast of many to come. It is hosted by Tim, the Editor of UNB, and is a basic overview of what the podcast is going to entail. There is some rambling and because Tim can ramble, but it’s a 5 minute show.

If you have ideas for podcasts or have questions for brands please email them to

We look forward to hearing your feedback on the podcasts!