It’s time for our Annual Reader Survey. Last year we changed it up and really want to know your habits and loves. This year we take it to the next level. Last year was awesome so this year we want to get a lot more of you guys to answer it! The answers you guys give help us develop content and programs for the future!
First thing to know is that its completely anonymous. We ask no emails, names or identifying information. We will be sharing results with you guys and some of our partners. Last year gave us some awesome results and changed the way we did reviews and a few more features on the site.
How will this help us? It shows us what you guys are interested in and how we can make our content even better and also create new columns. Just be honest and share with us your loves and dislikes of underwear.
Make sure you go scroll down and to the right if needed! You will reach the bottom of the form when you see hte Submit button! We will run the survey for a week!
If there are any problems with the form, the direct link is