The entire Pikante line that has come out is inspired by military.  That’s why it’s titled Love, Peace and Freedom! I will say its a very interesting line. It may not be for everyone but, I know it will strike a chord in quite a few of our readers.

Pikante Pixel Brief 8624 (1)Pikante Pixel Low Rise Thong 8004 (1)Pikante Camouflage Pixel Brief 8617 (1)Pikante Camo Pixel Brief 8809 (1)

One of then common themes through out the collection is camouflage. One interesting way they have done camouflage is by making it digital. If you aren’t familiar with it, its when you take an image, digitizes it and use the pixel blocks. Pikante is doing a new talk on camouflage. I have seen this camouflage in other clothes but not a lot have done it with underwear. These are the Pixel Camouflage Classic Briefs, Pixel Camouflage Brief.

Pikante Camo Original Brief 7103Pikante Orginal Camouflage Boxer 8344 (1)Pikante Orginal Camouflage Jockstrap 9205 (1)

Regular camouflage is not forgotten either. This includes briefs, boxers briefs and tanks. They mix solid pouch with camo with the Original Camo Brief. If you want a solid brief/boxer then the Original Camouflage line is for you. However, on the other had if you want got get a little wild, check out the Bravo jockstraps that are a mix of the green or blue camo and mesh pouch. Lastly is the Forest Camo line that is a more muted tone with just a hint on the boxer brief side and full thong.

Pikante Kinky Camouflage Thong 7402 (1)Pikante Kinky Camouflage Boxer 8346 (1)PIkante Kinky Camouflage Cheeky Boxer 8349

Pikante Ice Camouflage Brief 7506PIkante Ice Camoflauge Boxer 8345 (1)

The more interesting one of the line is the Kinky Camouflage line. It’s something different, Pink Camouflage.  It is available in a cheeky boxer, thong and boxer. They also have the ice camouflage that is different shades of blue. Both are not typical colors when you think of camo!

Pikante Tango Breif 8618 (1)Pikante Bravo Cheeky Boxer 8351 (1)Pikante Delta Jockstrap 7202Pikante Delta Cheeky Boxer 8350 (1)

If you want to see some more traditional military inspiration, they have you covered as well. The Tango and Delta lines that look like they are inspired by military uniforms. The Tango line has brown stripes with military looking insignia on the brief and boxer. Where as the Delta line has has a waistband that looks more like a belt and is solid brown with similar military insignia as the Tango line. I would say these are the most conservative in the line.

Pikante Nuclear Boxer 8347 (1)Pikante Nuclear Classic Brief 8808Pikante Nuclear Bikini 7603

Pikante Bigger Tanks Ring Thong 7805Pikante Bigger Tanks Cheeky Boxer 8341 (1)Pikante Bigger Tanks G-String 8204 (1)

Lastly in the line are some that make you feel like a kid. The lines are the Nuclear and Bigger Tanks line. Nuclear line is one that has a green background with planes, missiles guns and more with a black waistband. The Nuclear line is available in a cheeky boxer, brief and bikinis. The other patterned line is the Bigger Tanks. This line has, for a lack of better words, cartoon tanks, on a white background. Its definitely an eye catcher. It is available in a Cheeky Boxer, Ring-Thong and G-string.

If you are a fan of camo and military then the you need to check out the new Pikante line. It’s a lot of fun and you will definitely be noticed. To see the entire line check out our Facebook page for all the pics. There are a few more pairs we didn’t go over, but def worth checking out!



Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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