The boys at PetitQ are busy! They are one of the few brand that put out new collection every two or three months. I know the work that goes into collections coming out two times a year but we are on the 5th collection of 2018. Each collection comes with some super fun pieces of gear.

One thing that some of you guys will love about the new collection is the Mega Bulge collection. Those are in the main pic above. You can get the Mega Bulge in a brief, jock or boxer briefs. I know we have plenty of guys who love to show off! These will be great for a date night or under any jeans you want to ewar out!

Another thing that PetitQ is known for are harneses. They have embraced the style and are making it their own. They are putting the super fun and sexy PetitQ spin on the ones they are designing. Some have a traditional vibe, while others have the sexy and fetish spin of PetitQ. Either way you go you will have fun wearing these.

Beleive it or not these aren’t all the harneses in the collection. My personal favorite is hard to pick. I kind of what them all. This isn’t even all the harneese they have currently. You need to go check out the collection. I say just endulge your fetish side and have fun.

Check out the new collection at Candyman Fashion!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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