
ZenSho Boxer


Over the last few months the underwear companies who have been on Kickstarter continue to grow. This time brand Jake Joseph is taking to Kickstarter to get more funds to make amazing underwear.

I love the crowdfunding model because it gets money to companies that may not get them through traditional means. Jake Joseph has been a great brand over the last few years. We have reviewed them and they have always done well with our reviewers.

You may ask why are they turning to Kickstarter? One of the reasons is they are trying to bring the price point down for its undies. Currently they are around $36 and they want to drop them to $14-21. Which is a price our readers are used to paying.

Second they are wanting to introduce the ZenSho Trunk and Boxer Brief. The ZenSho. Nameed after a Sumo Wrestling term and is branded the “first underwear not to bunch.” If this is the case then sign me up! That is the biggest gripe behind sizing for me!

There are man levels you can join. We suggest you go to the Jake Joseph Kickstarter page and see them and invest if you can!