If you have been to the Andrew Christian site lately you may have experienced issues. I was there last night for some things for the site and was unable to connect. Here is what they sent out today:

If you tried to place an order with us over the last three days you may have run into a slow website, offline website or you may not have been able to fully process your transaction. Our site was experiencing several different technical issues that our server team has been working tirelessly to resolve. The good news is they feel as if the site issues are now completely fixed.

We are very sorry for any and all trouble, issues and general slowness that you may have experience while trying to shop with use in the last few days.

We greatly appreciate your loyalty and value your time. We have extended the end date of our Flash Sale, which was running during our technical problems, to Friday, March 18, 2011.

We have had our share of server problems here at UNB and feel for Andrew Christian . Glad that the problems are fixed and if you tried to get an item on sale, it’s all been extended.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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