We love it when companies redo their websites and make them better. This is what Freshpair.com is doing. They just launched phase one of their website redesign. The main page has been totally redone (as you can see above.) Once you get to the main page you can choose men’s or women’s. Once you choose men’s you can get four categories, Designer, Bold, classic and Thrill. The categories are pretty self explanatory. Designer is all the great designer underwear companies you love. Bold are bold and vibrant colors, Classic are the classic styles that are perfect for the gym and thrill are those that are extreme and fun!
The site now boasts and Experts section. Where you can get advice on underwear, fashion and more. This includes and underwear guide, travel tips, performance underwear and more!
This is only phase one and over the next few months we will see more functionality. We look forward to seeing what they have in store for us! Go check it out today!