15_Smailin_MichaelCheck out this new company out of Berlin. Its a new line of organic underwear! Here is some info on this new an amazing brand:

G&A – ORG&ANIC INNERWEAR is a sustainable organic underwear label for males from Berlin, Germany. We showcased the first collection at the Ethical Fashion Show during the Berlin Fashion Week from 8th till 10th of July 2015.

G&A produces and distributes sustainable underwear made from organic cotton with respect and responsibi- lity for Mother Earth and in a socially responsible and fair manner. Designed in Berlin and produced in India, our products create the sexy alternative for all those out to save the world.

G&A – No Guilt Inside


About 25 percent of the world’s insecticide use and more than 10 percent of the world’s pesticide goes to cotton crops. In 2003, that amounted to about 55 million pounds of pesticides being sprayed on 12.8 million acres of cotton, according to the Organic Trade Association. Some of these chemicals are considered to be the most toxic chemicals in the world. The health risks of pesticide exposure include birth defects, reproductive disorders and weaker immune systems.

In many countries, cotton is still hand picked; therefore anyone working in those fields is exposed to extreme amounts of toxic chemicals. The chemicals can also affect others in the community once they have seeped into the water supply. With so many products made from cotton, we are all exposed to these chemicals at some point. Even some baked goods, cookies and salad dressing contain cottonseed.



With our products you don’t have to choose between sustainability and sexiness, we aim for both. G&A means lifestyle for underneath, on top, indoors and outdoors – so go and get busy. With our fair and socially and eco- logically responsible underwear you can „guiltlessly“ set off on any adventure or simply live your day-to-day life – thanks to the “peace-of-mind effect” that saves you from a guilty conscience…


Transparency is important for us. We regularly travelled to India for two years to find the right partners. Trust plays an important role. All producers along the supply chain work according to the GOTS standard and most of them also hold other certifications. We can provide our buyers and partners with these standards and certifications.

The motto of our partner Pranav Khanna (founder and owner of frajorden) has inspired and motivated us. We respond to his appeal: change is simple – be the change!

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Buy less, but buy the right things. G&A has developed a collection of fourteen different underpants – enough to meet the needs of all men, whether they are saviours of the world, fetish lovers or heroes – but, boys, please wash them every so often – thanks! Act with sustainability in mind but still be sexy.



Sustainable Lifestyle: our fabrics are made from 100% organic cotton; they are produced in India according to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification scheme and are dyed using natural colours. In addition to sustainability, what’s important for us is to treat our staff fairly and in a socially responsible way while paying them fair wages.


Back to India. G&A produces in Kolkata and it is our desire to give some parts of the profit that come from each sold item back to India. We support the NGO „Voice of the Poor“ in Kolkata and also two kids of families in need. G&A covers all school fees, the educational materials and meals. We constantly communicate with the kids and their families, regularly visit them and spend unforgettable moments together.

Find G&A on the Web!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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