Singer and Underwear designer Steve Grand has released his first swimwear line at Grand Axis. I think it was to be out earlier in the year but COIVD ruined a lot of deadlines this year. If you follow Steve on social media he loves to wear swim briefs and many tend to be on the smaller side. Which isn’t a bad thing!

He has 7 styles in his new swimwear collection:
- Gym Short
- Swim Short
- Square Cut
- Swim Brief
- Swim Mini Brief
- Swim Bikini
- Swim Thong
Notice that as you go farther down on the list the swimwear cuts get smaller and smaller. You may also notice the swimwear is available in bright colors. I think this is one of the best first swim color options I have ever seen. Each pair is available in three colors but each of the colors is bold and fun. Heck, even the gray is pretty awesome.
Grand Axix Gym Shorts Grand Axix Swim Shorts Grand Axis Square Cut Grand Axis Swim Brief Grand Axis Mini-Brief Grand Axix Swim Bikini Grand Axis Swim Thong
I would really love to get Steve on a podcast to talk about this line, both swimwear, and underwear. I think he would make an amazing interview. We are going to try and contact him and get him on, we will keep you posted. But in the meantime go check out the awesome swim at Grand Axis.