In this episode, Javier Campos shares his love for underwear and how it started at a young age. He discusses his favorite styles and brands, including European brands like HOM and MEY. Javier also talks about his partner’s support for his underwear obsession, even though he doesn’t fully understand it. He also shares his experience of having a straight friend who appreciates the underwear recommendations he gives. In this conversation, Javier Campos discusses his passion for underwear and his efforts to introduce better underwear to his partner and others. He shares stories of spreading the joy of good underwear and the importance of wearing quality undergarments. The conversation also touches on the reach of the podcast and the idea of a new podcast about stealing underwear. Javier shares his online presence and concludes with closing remarks.


  • Underwear obsessions can start at a young age and continue into adulthood.
  • Exploring different styles and brands can enhance the underwear experience.
  • Partners may not fully understand the obsession with underwear, but can still be supportive.
  • Sharing the love for underwear with friends can create a sense of community and appreciation. Introducing new fabrics and styles of underwear can enhance comfort and improve the overall underwear experience.
  • Spreading the joy of good underwear can help others discover the benefits of wearing quality undergarments.
  • Wearing good underwear can boost confidence and provide a sense of empowerment in various situations.
  • The podcast has a diverse audience, including straight listeners who have found the show through unconventional means.

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Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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