There is nothing worse then buying a great new pair of underwear, then getting them home and finding out they don’t fit like the picture on the box. If you are above average in the front or back you know the pain of choosing new underwear. Being one of those guys who’s on the endowed size, I can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me. Pouch size is probably the most important thing to me in underwear.
A few weeks ago we were asked by a reader to talk about pouch sizes in underwear. So I took on this challenge and bought a few new pairs to try and also some classics that are in my underwear drawer that never disappoint. Let’s talk about if you’re an endowed guy what to look for in underwear: First you need a defined pouch, very few flat front pairs actually conform to your body and give you the support you need. Second, I have found it’s best to have a spandex or modal blend that stretches, no two guys are built the same and a material that fits you like a glove is important. Lastly, you don’t have to buy large name brands to get great undies, while many fit great some smaller brands (like in this post) are often great alternatives. Many of the smaller brands can make pairs that cater to endowed in the front or back.
For this post I’m going to focus on briefs. I have found that briefs give me way more support than boxers briefs or trunks. Granted there a few trunks/boxer briefs I like but I think briefs just fit better. They are pretty much my go to style for daily wear.
So now you’re asking, “which pairs have great pouches for endowed guys?” Well the brands we are focusing on are Ergowear, Cocksox, John Sievers, Andrew Christian, N2N Bodywear and Bodyaware. These are all brands I have worn and can say have an amazing pouch that should hold your manhood. This post will be sort of 6 mini reviews of the brands either love or tried out for this post
Each of these brands I have personally tried out and recommend any of them. They are really amazing and if you’re endowed like me then you should give them a try. I know this is not all bands so let me know who you like.

Erogwear was one of the very first “anatomically” designed underwear brands that I tried. I had my doubts but they truly are made for guys who are endowed. They have been on the market for about 10 years. When I put them on I was in heaven, the pair I had been waiting on for years. This was the first company I came across that really paid attention to how a guy is made and then designed underwear. The pair I have found to be the best is the X3D Brief. The brief is a flyless pouch brief made with the 3 dimensional X3D pouch design.This is one of my favorite pouches and I have a pair. It really fits great and gives you great support.
Its a coincidence that I am actually wearing this pair as I write the review.
- Pouch – 9
- Fit – 9
- Pro
- Great Fit
- Amazing Materials
- Cons
- Higher price point
- Can be hard to find in US
- Style – Flyless Brief, almost Bikini cut
- Colors – Black or White
- Price $28.69
- Find at – http://www.ergowear.com
Other styles from Ergowear you should check out – XD3 Brief
COCKSOX – CX01 Bikini
In 2007 I remember seeing Cocksox for the first time. The briefs were super hot to me. A bikini cut with an amazing pouch. I knew right then I needed to try this brand. It was another year before I got the chance. One of the original pairs is the CX01 Bikini. The first pair I tried was a little too big but when I got my next pair, I knew I was in love with the brands.
I call Cocksox the Wonderbra of men’s underwear, because it takes what you have and pushes it up and out. A few years ago I was going to wear the Pink CX01 to a job interview and when I looked down it was not a professional look. It looked like I stuffed a baseball down the front of my pants. I know this may not be a draw back for some guys but keep that in mind!
- Pouch – 10
- Fit – 10
- Pro –
- Great fit
- Amazing materials
- Made for a guy
- Con
- Can show off everything in times you may not want – some may not see this as a con
- Style – Bikini Cut
- Colors – Black, Red, White and they change them pretty often
- Price – $25 AUD
- Find at – http://www.cocksox.com
Other pairs you may like include: CX03, CX03D (backstage)
N2N BODYWEAR – Signature Brief
N2N Signature Brief has had a few refreshes over the year. Each time they keep the basic style and make it in different color combinations. The current colors are Navy/Red. This I will say has been my favorite. I say this because Andrew at N2N really pays attention to how a his underwear will fit a guy and enhance what he has! The example of this is the red panels on this iteration are on the side of the pouch and draws your eyes to the pouch.
Speaking of pouch, this pouch doesn’t have super stretchy material but is designed to give you amazing support. To tell you how amazing I even like the trunks in these. They have come up with a pouch design that just fits you naturally. It’s not described as ergonomic but it should!
- Pouch – 9.5
- Fit – 9.5
- Pro
- N2n Designed pouch that fits great
- A steady design in the N2n line up
- Great color combos
- Con
- None come to mind unless they decide to end this line
- Style – Brief
- Colors – White or Navy
- Price – $22.50
- Find at – http://www.n2nbodywear.com
Other pairs you may like: Signature Trunk or Signature Bikini

JOHN SIEVERS – California Gold Collection
This is a brand that really surprised me. It was a little known brand to me until a previous staff member told me about them. I bought a pair and I will admit I was impressed with the job they did. For those of you who don’t know, John Sievers is a brand exclusively at International Jock. It has been around a few years but I never gave it a thought. Well, as they say don’t judge a book by it’s cover. After I bought them I loved how they fit me and gave me a natural support. Unlike Cocksox this one doesn’t put everything on display but lets you hang naturally. Granted there’s nothing wrong with putting on display, which I don’t mind doing but sometimes you need great support and go under the radar.
- Pouch – 9
- Fit – 9
- Pro
- Natural Fit with the pouch
- Well constructed
- Has a natural look under pants
- Con
- More colors in this line, other lines have brighter colors
- Little known brand that many may not try but I urge you too
- Style – Brief
- Colors – Navy, Grey, Black and White
- Price – $26.95
- Find at – http://www.internationaljock.com
Other Pairs you may like: I haven’t tried any of the other pairs but they have a few more lines. I will update when i try them

ANDREW CHRISTIAN – Trophy Boy Icon Briefs
Andrew Christian is no stranger to designing ergonomically designed underwear. The first pair I recall he did was the Almost naked line. It, I will say, has been a great line for endowed guys. A lot of our refers and some of my friends rave on the Almost Naked line, heck even I do! I have a few pairs. However, thats now the pair we have for you, the Trophy Boy is one made for endowed guys. It’s been marketed as that and has a much bigger pouch than the Almost Naked line. The AC site says it better then I could ” Trophy Boy Icon Brief was made for the well endowed man who wants to show it off and be comfortable at the same time!” This is true you do show off but still feel super comfy.
Andrew Christian really paid attention to the endowed guys for this pair.
- Pouch – 9
- Fit – 9
- Pros
- Amazing ergonomically designed pouch
- Great materials that breath through out the day
- Designer thought of their target market
- Cons
- Personally I’d love smaller brief Cut
- This particular line didn’t have bright colors, where others in the series did
- Style – Brief
- Colors – Royal, Black and Aqua
- Cost – $22.93
- Find at – http://www.andrewchristian.com
Other pairs you may like: Any from the Almost naked line, has the same pouch just not as big as the Trophy Boy
BodyAware – Well-endowed Brief
This brief is advertised as a brief for the Well-Endowed guy. So I couldn’t pass up trying this out for the post. On a side note when we posted our Style Brief on Facebook they removed it for violating their Terms of Service, so this brief is too hot for Facebook. This pair is based on their popular Italian Shaper Brief. They have modified it to fit guys who need extra room. The one thing you need to know about this brief is its a bikini cut and very low cut. When I first put them on I realized it fits just above the top of your junk. If you aren’t a fan of really low cut bikinis you may not like it. Next the material is semi sheer. The navy pair i ordered wasn’t visibly noticeable unless you looked really hard.
The pair did well on daily wear. It fit great and was a lot of fun to wear to work.
- Pouch – 9
- Fit – 9
- Pro
- Especially designed for Well-endowed guys
- Super sexy design
- Great pouch that accents what you have
- Sizing up to XXL
- Con
- Is a super low cut bikini – If you’d don’t like bikinis then you def won’t like this pair
- Material is semi sheer, I know we have guys who aren’t fans of sheer
- Style – Bikini
- Colors – White, Blue and Turquoise
- Price – $18.50
- Find at – http://www.bodyaware.com
Other pairs you may like: I haven’t tried any other pairs from Bodyaware yet.
More companies are creating underwear who need extra room in the front or back. Its showing they are catering to their customers and realize we guys are not created the same. We have specific needs in undies. I think we will see more customization going forward!
I want to hear what brands you have found are awesome for an endowed guy. Leave a comment, tweet us or email us your favorites.