I noticed on either Facebook or on Twitter the other day, that there seems to be a theme going around in Men’s Underwear. The color PINK! Yes that’s right I said the color pink. It used to be that pink was only for women, but not any more. Now more and more companies are putting out pink undies.
I first starting thinking about and then read in London’s Daily Mail ran an article that men are picking brighter color undies in the wake of the recession. The specific example they had was that Jockey’s Famous Y-Front pink briefs sold significantly higher then the other colors. This increase carried over to other pastel and brighter colors because men wanted something to brighten their wardrobe in these tough economic times.
The companies that have recently released pink undies are C-IN2, Timoteo, and Jockey. While other companies are using pink as accent colors, like Gigo. C-IN2 has come out with and entire line that are pink. They include many of the basic styles, briefs, boxer briefs, and tee’s. These are all the solid pink, and if you remember that last year they had a limited edition brief that was pink. But, C-IN2 doesn’t have just solid pink undies, they also have the Time Sphere pattern that is grey and pink. All with the styling of C-IN2.
Timoteo as you have seen on this blog came out with pink briefs this past month. They have rolled out a campaign to showcase the pink brief. We have featured this on out Underwear of the Week a few weeks back. Right now they just have the low brief and jockstrap in pink.
We asked Timoteo about the new pink colors. “Why PINK? Well…in 2009 PINK is fashion. PINK is soothing. The Wall Street Journal said that all major designers were going with colors (pastels; pinks, lavenders etc) that made people comfortable in these economic times. At TIMOTEO, PINK is fashion. PINK is sassy and best of all….PINK isn’t just for girls! We say…..”LIVE LIFE LIKE LIKE YOU MEAN IT……WEAR PINK!”.
Ginch Gonch, known for their interesting patterns. has even make some pink undies. They have used pink in their Pink Piggie style. The back ground in the pattern is pink. But this is not the only style that they have used pink in, the Argyle pattern as well. It was one we featured on Underwear of the week! So, Ginch Gonch is one company not afraid of breaking the rules in men’s undies, and pink is a part of that!
Pink has made an appearance as an accent color as well. One of my favorite new styles is the Gigo Points Jockstrap that has a pink waistband and a polka dot black and white pouch. It is just fun. Gigo in last few weeks has put out some really incredible prints. They have some that are pastel and have pink accents. They are ones that are just fun. We plan to go in more detail about them in another post.
But the love of pink isn’t new. One company that used pink a few years back was Baskit. They had a pink jockstrap that was one of their best sellers. When we talked to Baskit a while back, they said that it may make a come back someday and with all the new pink undies, maybe we will see it soon.
Not all makers are doing pink undies, but more and more are starting to use the color. It’s a fun color and something out of the ordinary. I think that’s why I like it so much. It’s not a color you would expect in men’s undies. But just like pink shirts, I think that it will catch on and more and more companies will start using it. As the Daily Mail article said, its just a fun way to brighten things up and these economic times anything that can bring some joy is a good thing.
We are curious as to what you think about pink undies. I asked on Twitter to include some feedback. Adam from Dead Good Undies said “my opinion is that blokes can also be pretty in pink 8-).” Wraith55, our Asst. editor said “they are hot and trendy. Adam at Dead Good Undies said “Pink is the new Black” the same as the title of this posting. ” John from Men’s Underwear Blog said that they are very hot and sexy. We would love for you to leave a comment about what you think about the pink undies!
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