This is a bit of a mash up for a Style Brief and a review. The Extreme Master Bodysuit was on sale for $10 in a two-day sale on UnderGear and I decided to buy it. I have a friend, (shout out to Kevin) who bought it a while back and he looked awesome in it and I had to get one. So, when the 2 day sale had it for $10 I jumped at it.
The bodysuit is like a jockstrap with straps that go over shoulders. Therefore the front has a pouch and the back has straps like a jock that go up over your shoulders. Let’s face it if you love fetish wear this pair is HOT. More and more guys (gay and straight) are buying fetish wear. I will admit I have loved it for years but don’t have anyone to wear it for, so it kind of gets lost just wearing it alone.
This is not a pair I think you can or would want to wear under clothes. I say this because the straps criss cross in the back. Granted it took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to put it on. First, at my defense I was a bit tired and it was late. Second, it’s not a pair you just slide on.
I discovered you have to put one side on at a time. The strap on the right front attaches in the left back and vice versa for the other side. Once you figure that out it’s a very hot pair and fit pretty well. Granted I didn’t like the way I looked in it but hoping to lose some weight to look as good as my friend Kevin in it!
Where would you wear this pair? Well, to me there is only one place you would wear it, and it would be in the bedroom. I don’t see this under jeans, a suit or any other area. And, since we are all underwear lovers there is nothing wrong with having fetish wear just for the bedroom. We all have undies we save for special and romantic occasions.
My take on the Master Bodysuit. I think it’s totally hot. I am letting my wild side out with it. It’s not recommended to wear under clothes, I would say save this for someone special and enjoy an evening with them. Its underwear and isn’t it supposed to be sexy and fun!
The Master Body Suit is at UnderGear for $25. You can find it on sale but remember the first time you put it on it may take you a minute to figure it out!