
Alpha Male Undies sent us this picture featuring 25-year-old Russian hunk Dmitrij Bessalov. It was shot by Muscle Skins.

Here is the bio of Dmitrij

Hi, my name is Dmitrij, 25 years old Russian hunk!:)
I born in Lithuania and lived here all my life, but 9 months ago I moved to UK together with my girlfriend ( to Northampton city ).In Lithuania I worked as a stripper on bachelor parties.
As for hobbies I’m keen on fitness ( natural training, 9 years of experience ). I work on symmetry, proportions and quality… Today its called aesthetic physique… Also I’m a professional massage therapist and a model. I started modelling only in UK, about 4 months ago and i pushing forward very hard, step by step to succeed in this industry. I hope to move to London soon.
FB – Dmitrij Bessalov
INSTAGRAM – dmitrij_bessalov


Dmitrij Bessalov from MuscleSkin on Vimeo.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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