Covid has changed the way we interact and work. Most everyone I know is working from home with a relaxed dress code. We’ve gone from a nation of business casual to a country of Donald duckers ( Wearing a shirt but not pants while working or on zoom meetings, go back and listen to our podcast on this topic).

I haven’t bought many new clothes over the past two years. There have been very few occasions where I needed to dress up either for work or personal. I think wearing polo and jeans is dressed up now. Many are in this boat as well. What’s the point of putting on khakis and a tie when you are at home. You’re more likely to throw on sweats and a t-shirt (or less).

So this brings me to my point, I think underwear has been my one outlet for fashion. Underwear is something that most of us wear, and if you read UNB, we know you love great undies. During COVID, I have done my weekly personal challenges such as all jocks, all green, etc.

Another reason is that we can justify buying underwear over a dress shirt. Before, we didn’t know when we would need to wear our “work clothes again regularly.” This means we had more money in the clothes budget, and I know many of our readers took advantage of this and bought more undies and tried new styles and brands.

We keep getting teased. We are opening back up, and then a variant pops up. It’s unclear how many people will be going back into the office, but it seems a lot of us will be in hybrid roles if not perm work from home. There will be less of a need for “work clothes” and more of a need for comfort.

Post a comment if you fall into this category and express yourself with undies more than regular clothes.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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