If you are reading this blog, I know you love underwear, swimwear, and gear (spandex and more). You are a guy who wants to find out what’s new, discover a community, and enjoy the world of undies to its fullest. Over the last 13 years, a lot has changed in the underwear world and at UNB! So we ask you to be an underwear supporter. There are three ways you can help. You can do all three or just one!

Share our podcast and blog with other undies lovers.

This is the simplest and easiest way to help us; it doesn’t cost anything. Just let your underwear friends know about the blog and podcast. You can do that by sharing a link on your social media and saying go check this out! Or, if you have a friend, ask them, “Hey have you heard the Brief Talk Podcast?” And if they say no, tell them about it—the more people who read and listen, the better.

Join our Patreon

If you want to help us with financial support, this is the best way to do it. You get some unique features, such as the advance release of the podcast and special editors’ desk podcasts just for the Patreon member. You can join for as little as $1 a month to get these features. I’m trying to figure out more perks for Patreon members, so I’m open to ideas! This money goes directly to help us produce the podcast (such as hosting, software, and equipment). You can join at the UNB Patreon Landing page.

Come on the podcast or share your story.

I have gone through; I think all of my undies friends to get them on the show. Now I”m trying to get more guys to come on the show. All guys have a story to tell because you will inspire someone listening by having a similar story or feel they are not alone. Not many guys, gay, straight, or bi, talk undies. I think we on the podcast are an outlier on the bell curve of undies. We talk undies all the time together. Coming on the podcast is super easy. I send out the questions ahead of time so you can look them over and come up with answers before we record. Then when we record, I try to make everyone not nervous cause it’s just a convo between two guys talking undies. Lastly, I will edit the podcast to make you sound your best. I do this by taking out any ums and other words used to fill space and any long silence. Lastly, we can record directly over the phone, so no special equipment or software is needed! I make it as simple as possible.

If you need more info just email me and let’s chat!!!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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