
Brief Talk After Dark


Sky, also known as Sky the Spandex Bastard, traces his love for spandex back to childhood shows like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and American Gladiators. His fascination with the fabric led him to explore various spandex gear types, from thongs to singlets, with memorable experiences like purchasing his first thong in a Vancouver men’s underwear store. Sky shares his favorite brands and the empowering feeling of donning spandex, while the hosts discuss mixing gear and their personal journeys of addiction and recovery. They emphasize the importance of seeking support and connection, particularly in the LGBTQ+ community.

Listen to the Brief Talk After Dark podcast, available wherever you get podcasts or on the web at our sister site, After Dark is our spicier show, so you have been warned.

The new podcast is LIVE! Our very first episode features the incredible Bricklayers again! Stephen joined me for a fun chat that covers spandex, the biz side, and just some good fun! Make sure you go subscribe to the new podcast, this is a different podcast from the Brief Talk podcast, it is listed in both Spotify and iTunes. Just search for Brief Talk After Dark and it should pop up!!! Also you can listen at the Brief Talk After Dark Site.