Here is our interview with ES Collection:
So tell us about your new 2009 Line?
The line is very long, many items different colors and fabrics make this one of our best underwear line so far. The models and photographer are the best on the Spanish market.
Your videos and pictures are of the guys in snow, what made you do the
shoot in snow?
The photo shoot was taken in Andorra, just 3 hours drive from Barcelona, grate place and we wanted to show the nature and Natural fabrics together, we are aware of our responsibility for nature and the future of our planet. The bamboo is one of many natural materials that we use in the collection. Together with the mountains, water falls and crispy white snow it was the perfect set up for the winter collection.
What is your favorite pair of underwear of the new collection?
My favorite pair is changing every collection, they are all grate, i love the wide waste band and preferable orange color or the red Ferrari color we have. The colors of ES Collection are very bride and they give a living feeling, check number 429 red06 and 427 orange60
Is there anything that inspired you with the new line?
The stripes are very hot on the moment , now with the crisis we wanted bright colors and make people feel good about themselves. A lot of new items are added that we think are unique in the market like the and to help the man in there insecurity.
I have seen you some over here in the States are you planning to have a bigger presence in the US market?
We are represented in the states, but in the next 2 years this will grow dramatically, you will see us in many states soon
What are some of your best sellers in this line and what are you best sellers of all times?
The best sellers are the 436 and the 429, for the swimwear the 901 and the 903.
What do you have planned for the future.
We keep growing the company on our own pace, that every collection is better then the previous ones, innovate the latest techniques into our collection,
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