We loving bringing you guys new undies. Modus Vivendi is out of Europe. Its one I don’t think many of you guys are familiar with, if you like something different then take a look at Colour Explosion. Here is what they say:
The new collection of Modus Vivendi is here, and it is a “Colour Explosion”! Andy Warhol said: Once you “got” Pop, you could never see a sign the same way again. We present you the first part of the new collection called “colour explosion”, inspired by “The” Pop artist .
It is “popular, young, witty, sexy, gimmicky, glamorous”. This veritable shopping list of adjectives (borrowed by Richard Hamilton) describing what exactly “Pop” Art is, was the spark of the whole new collection! We hope you enjoy them all as much as we do!
Go to the Modus Vivendi site (http://www.e-modusvivendi.com) to see all the collection, some are mesh and we can’t show!