ss12_c-in2_4013_white_100-fNothing cause more controversy with me and friends than talking underwear. If you’re like me you have friends who are into underwear or willing to try new things. This has gotten me the reputation to be teh go to guy for suggestions for new pairs. I know a guy who’s a boxer lover (yes I have friends who are, I don’t get it but they are friends) a thong to wear. The same goes for a brief lover, I’d never recommend a boxer.

So it got me thinking. I love patterns and colors and it’s another way to me express myself. But not all guys see it this way. We even have readers who love different cuts but like to keep it very traditional. They love briefs, trunks and boxer briefs. The colors are classic (white, black, navy and etc) and don’t go for crazy waistbands. Names and branding on waistbands are a way they reject brands. To me this would be insane!

But is this wrong? Should all guys step out and try new things and branch out? As the title says is it boring or just right? Before I started writing this blog I wanted to get every guy in the US to try bikinis. But after writing the blog I have talked to so many guys who love every kind of underwear out there. Nothing really surprises me any more when I talk to readers.

Early on in the life of UNB. I got the chance to really talk to one of our readers who very much was a classic guy. He had a strict set of guidelines on how he liked his underwear. He only liked white or black. The waistband had to mach the color, no two toned underwear. Then the fabric had to be good quality cotton. Lastly, it had to hold its shape and give great support. To me this seemed boring at the time.

As I look back it made me think we all have our own criteria we use for underwear. Some of us have more than others (over almost 7 years I have heard it all). I think if you want to stick with conservative underwear its fine. As long as its not a 6 pack at a discount store, I have no issues. If you want 2(X)ist Essentials, CK White briefs, go for it. I think we need to support out classic wearing underwear brothers. We don’t want people criticizing our undies so we should support anyone wearing better underwear. Just go after the ones buying it at a discount store!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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