to-bulge-orWe here at UNB tackle the most pressing issues in underwear! Just kidding, this post came to me earlier this month. We are all guys and all show some sort of bulge through out the day. But I have run across times when bulging is frowned upon. Being one of the guys who shows a bulge no matter what I wear, I thought it would be good to address this topic.

Why did I pick this topic? We want to empower you guys to wear what you want. But, with the recent (in the last few years) for enhancing technology in men’s underwear. Are there times when we should or shouldn’t wear them? We are not doing this to shame or criticize anyone but we’re curious as to what you guys do?

It all boils down to where do you feel its appropriate. My own background, if you’re a long time reader, I’m more on the endowed size. I show a bulge in just about anything I wear. Yeah, sometimes it’s very noticeable to me and other times it’s not. The perfect example was I went to a Professional Bull Riding event at the GA Dome, here in Atlanta. I wore my tight jeans, cowboy boots and a 2(X)ist Y-Back thong. A guy walked past me, Looked me in the eye, then to my crotch and back to my eye. I didn’t pay attention to how much I was bulging. But after that experience I realized, I could be showing off a bit.

Another incident, which I have recounted on the blog before, was going to an interview. I was reviewing a pair of Cocksox CX01 briefs. I looked down at my dress pants and it looked like I was smuggling fruit in my pants. I changed my underwear before heading to the interview. I didn’t think it was appropriate to show off that much to an interview. In more professional settings I am aware of what I show. Somedays there is nothing I can do, it’s just the reality of being an endowed guy.

I talked to The Bottom Drawer on here about this. He said “Fine to show off to your partner, but definitely there is a line that is too far. I think enhancing some is fine. Women have the push up bra to enhance their cleavage, so why not allow a guy to have some enhancement.” I agree, I think some enhancement can make guys feel sexier and confident.

Personally, I think there is a balance to when to bulge and when not too. When at work or in a professional setting I tend to go with underwear that doesn’t show off as much. If I’m going out for a night on the town I see nothing wrong with showing off the goods.

Also, let’s talk about something gets a bad wrap. Swim briefs. There is a misnomer that because you wear a swim brief you will show a big bulge. Yes there are pairs that will show it all off. However, most don’t enhance what a guy naturally possesses. Most of complaints of swim briefs are they are too bulgey. It’s obscene. Well, guys have bulges, some bigger some smaller, you don’t expect women to make their breast size smaller in bikini. So why should we do the same for our bulge?

Sorry I had to go off on that tangent. It could be an entire post on it’s own. We want to know what you think on the bulge issue. Vote in our poll. And share your thoughts. We also have a comment section for you to put in comments. Let us know!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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