One of the newer questions is, what do you guys wear when working out? I was curious to see if you guys were wearing more spandex or it is still traditional. First up, we asked what you wear when you run. Most wear gym shorts or running shorts. However, a good number wear spandex runners or shorts. As a side note, I don’t know why I put singlets in this section other than I love them. Other than lifting, I don’t know when most guys would wear them.

Ok, you guys shocked me on this one. I knew for a fact that spandex runners would be up there for lifting. I wore them when I did lift (a long time ago) for extra support. But you guys wear the gym shorts by a super-wide margin. WOW, guys! That’s all I can say.

You boys love your gym shorts—again, another blowout when doing cardio. I personally think we need to make spandex more popular than it currently is with you guys. Maybe we need to do a spandex giveaway.

This wasn’t even close to anything other than gym shorts for Crossfit.

Yoga had more spandex than many of the other pairs. But again, almost 50% I gym shorts. Guys, I have my work cut out for me. Before the next survey, we need to spread the word on why you should wear runners or spandex shorts. I never guessed that you guys would be such hard-core gym shorts, guys.